
This article reviews the risk factors and ocular signs of the three types of retinal vein occlusions—central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), hemiretinal vein occlusion (HRVO), and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Proper management and treatment plans are described for the different types of retinal vein occlusions.
<p><span>&nbsp;Gene therapy designed to treat progressive childhood blindness caused by Leber congenital amaurosis has turned out to offer only short-lived improvements in vision.</span></p>
In this Q&A, Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, discusses interventions to address the health care disparities that exist along the care continuum for certain patient populations who are at-risk for HIV infection.
Stimwave Freedom Spinal Cord Stimulation System was developed to treat patients with chronic leg and back pain as a permanent, long-term implant.
A new study explores the healing power of yoga and whether practicing yoga once per week can lower heart rate and blood pressure in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
In this video, Jesse L. Berry, MD, discusses her team's study that examined the use of aqueous humor liquid biopsy to determine metastatic risk in patients with uveal melanoma (UM). Dr Berry talks about how this method of biopsy impacts the clinical care of patients with UM, what knowledge gaps currently exist, and the future of this area of research.
<p>U.K. 15-year-olds most exposed to alcohol use in films were most likely to have tried alcohol and twice as likely to have been binge drinking.</p>
After analyzing data on more than 10,000 participants in the global SMART and START studies, researchers determined the effect of deferred or intermittent ART usage on disease risk.
<p>Most of the world's poorer countries, which account for nearly all childbirth-related deaths among newborns and mothers, are facing a critical shortage of professional midwives who could ease the problem.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
A recent study examined the association between type 2 diabetes and the risk of developing serious liver disease.
New research suggests that individuals suspected to have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis may not need to undergo biopsies.
In this commentary, Michael Bloch, MD, writes about renin-angiotensin system-blocking agents and how they affect the disease course of COVID-19.
Researchers analyzed the effects that diets rich in red meat, white meat, and plants have on TMAO levels, metabolism, and renal excretion.
<p>&nbsp;Foam soaps are increasingly replacing traditional liquid soaps in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, the food industry and other public spaces.</p>
Dr John Anderson, Dr Pam Taub, and Dr Mark Greathouse review the relationship between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), including how T2D exacerbates CVD and the risk from CVD, and what the national medical associations recommend for patients with T2D and CVD.