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A 39-Year-Old Man With Microscopic Hematuria

Ronald N. Rubin, MD1,2 Series Editor

    1Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    2Department of Medicine, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Rubin RN. A 39-year-old man with microscopic hematuria. Consultant. 2022;62(6):e39-e41. doi:10.25270/con.2022.06.00013

    The author reports no relevant financial relationships.

    Ronald N. Rubin, MD, Temple University Hospital, 3401 N Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 (


    A 39-year-old man attended a “screening day” sponsored by his workplace. At the event, a nurse practitioner took his medical history; performed a physical examination; drew blood for lipid studies, a complete blood cell panel, and metabolic panel; collected a stool sample for occult blood screening; collected a urine sample for a urinalysis; and conducted an electrocardiography scan.

    The man’s history was wonderfully negative for serious illness. He had no major medical diagnoses or surgical history. He had an administrative white-collar job, regularly went to the gym, and was in good physical shape. His examination findings were entirely within normal limits, including blood pressure (110/70 mmHg) and BMI (22 kg/m2).

    However, the next day he was given a report and summary of his findings that demonstrated the urinalysis dipstick stained faintly positive for blood. A microscopic urine examination revealed 3 to 5 red blood cells per high power field (RBC/HPF). Everything else was nonremarkable and within normal limits. The summary prompted him to see a physician for further evaluation of the urine abnormality.

    Which of the following statements most accurately describes the approach and management pertaining to the case presented?

    1. If a decision for further evaluation is made, initial optimal studies are ultrasonography and cystoscopy.
    2. The routine screening for urinary tract cancers via urinalysis the patient had received has been validated as an effective genitourinary tract cancer screening method.
    3. The finding of microscopic hematuria as described in our patient requires obligatory and prompt urologic/radiologic follow-up.
    4. Both microscopic and gross hematuria in adults carries high and equivalent cancer risk.


    Answer and discussion on next page.



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