Conference Coverage

Wrap-Up: Perspectives on Virtual Care in Primary Care

Joseph Kvedar, MD

In this video, Joseph Kvedar, MD, provides a brief wrap-up of his session, "Perspectives on Virtual Care in Primary Care" from PUPC 2024. In his session, Dr Kvedar reviewed the modalities for providing virtual care, some friction points and barriers to implementation, and provided an analysis on how much you should integrate this care model into your practice. 

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Joseph Kvedar, MD: Hello everyone, my name is Dr. Joe Kavitar. I'm the professor at Harvard Medical School and the immediate past chair of the American Telemedicine Association.

I wanted to provide a quick review of my session for PUPC entitled "Perspectives on Virtual Care and Primary Care." In this session, I discussed the modalities for providing virtual care, some friction points and barriers to implementation, and I finished with an analysis to help you decide on how much you should integrate this care model into your practice. If you'd like to know more, please make sure you check out my session.

Thank you.