Jordan Grumet, MD, on Preview: The Intimacy Gap and Shared Storytelling

In this video, Jordan Grumet, MD, gives a preview of his presentation on how practitioners can break the intimacy gap between providers and patients, which will be presented at the Practical Updates in Primary Care 2020 Virtual Series on December 4, 2020.

Jordan Grumet, MD, is an internal medicine physician and hospice medical director at Journeycare Hospice in Glenview, IL.

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Video Transcript:

JG:  This is Jordan Grumet. I am a hospice medical director for JourneyCare Hospice in Glenview, Illinois. I am going to talk to you about something probably different than anything else you're going to hear at the conference today.

My talk is going to be about our healthcare system in general and how we, as practitioners, can break the intimacy gap between doctors and patients and why that's important. I think we'll all agree that our healthcare system has changed.

Over the last few years, our connection to our patients has decreased. Our ability to spend time with them, be with them, and ultimately to affect our healthcare system has changed. Therefore, we need to do something about it. What we need to do is tell our stories.