Juan Pablo Frias, MD, lists scores on 3 common screening tests (fasting plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1C, and 75g oral glucose tolerance) that indicates someone in an intermediary position between normal...
Gilad Glick, CEO, Itamar Medical, introduces the Endopat 2000, an innovative device that can assess cardiac health in 15 minutes. The simple, non-invasive test can be used in the doctor's office and is...
Steven DeMeester, MD, from the Oregon Clinic, answers our questions about his research that compared standard biopsies with the wide-area transepithelial sampling brush for detecting intestinal metaplasia...
Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, answers our questions about the age at which CRC screening is necessary, the risks and benefits of screening patients older than age 75, and how to individualize screening decision...