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<p>Older men who take vitamin E and selenium supplements have the same risk of dementia as people who don't use these products.</p>
It seems that every couple of months, I hear a story about a group of physicians who try to stifle the patient’s ability to post negative comments online.The online community, of course, strongly opposes the notion of giving patients “gag orders.” People argue that if one can rate their local restaurant or mechanic shop, then why can’t patients rate physicians and their offices.
In this podcast, Georg Schett, MD, discusses the results and implications of his team’s recent study examining the tapering or stopping of medication in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who achieve stable remission.
<p>Vaccine-induced antibodies may wane more quickly than usual in patients with HIV, who might therefore lose their protection before they receive a booster.</p>
A new study evaluated the effects of peanut consumption on vascular function, glycemic control, and plasma lipids.
A new analysis highlights the hepatitis C-related death rates per state vs the United States as a whole, and aimed to better document deaths on a subnational level.
After the clinical trial showed positive results, the first treatment option for adults with inflammatory arthritis in the spine has been approved.
<p>The rapid spread of a measles outbreak from Disneyland in California to communities around the country suggests that vaccination rates in some places may be as low as 50%.</p>
In this podcast, Daniel Fierer, MD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, discusses treating and managing HIV-HCV coinfection in men who have sex with men.
By Lisa Rapaport
To shed light on the link between migraine and asthma, researchers designed a study of more than 110,000 adolescents.
Multivitamins are the most commonly used dietary supplement, with more 60% of women in the IWHS reporting their use.
Many physicians teach medical students in their office practices.  They share teaching pearls in exam rooms or between patients. They show students important interviewing and examination techniques; they model professionalism.  It’s not easy for physician teachers to do these things today, particularly given the pressures on clinicians to see more patients in shorter periods of time- not to mention keeping up with documentation requirements and administrative tasks.  One, efficient way to teach is by asking a good question.
Results of a recent study call into question the relationship between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular mortality in older adults.
By Shereen Jegtvig
In this multicenter, phase 3 randomized-controlled trial, researchers evaluated the efficacy and safety of SHR8028, a water-free cyclosporine solution, 0.1%, compared with vehicle in patients with dry eye disease.
This review of surrogate decision making emphasizes that healthcare decisions are fraught with significant variability and uncertainty.
Let me be upfront: I avoid both clonidine and hydralazine when treating hypertension. In the case of hydralazine, I qualify that decision by explicitly stating that it has been an evidence-based therapy for the management of moderate to severe systolic heart failure in African-Americans.