
It seems that every couple of months, I hear a story about a group of physicians who try to stifle the patient’s ability to post negative comments online.The online community, of course, strongly opposes the notion of giving patients “gag orders.” People argue that if one can rate their local restaurant or mechanic shop, then why can’t patients rate physicians and their offices.
In this podcast, Georg Schett, MD, discusses the results and implications of his team’s recent study examining the tapering or stopping of medication in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who achieve stable remission.
Health care providers need to target unhealthy behaviors as seriously as physical risk factors in disease prevention, according to a forthcoming advisory statement from the American Heart Association.
<p>The rapid spread of a measles outbreak from Disneyland in California to communities around the country suggests that vaccination rates in some places may be as low as 50%.</p>
After the clinical trial showed positive results, the first treatment option for adults with inflammatory arthritis in the spine has been approved.
Primary Care BlogThere’s probably not a physician in practice who hasn’t had a patient come to the office with a briefcase or an iPad loaded with information that they have downloaded from the Internet and want to ask you to review their research and ask for your opinion.
Approximately 70% of pregnant women experience pelvic girdle pain (PGP). Therefore, the American Physical Therapy Association has released a new guideline with recommendations for PGP management.
<p><span>A long-term histrelin implant effectively and safely suppresses gonadotropin in children with central precocious puberty, according to new research.</span></p>
To shed light on the link between migraine and asthma, researchers designed a study of more than 110,000 adolescents.
This issue of Clinical Geriatrics marks the beginning of a new series of articles focusing on Cancer in Older Adults.
The CDC lists Alzheimer's as the 6th leading cause of death in the US, but new research suggests that a more accurate appraisal would put Alzheimer’s closer to the top 2 spots.
By Shereen Jegtvig
Let me be upfront: I avoid both clonidine and hydralazine when treating hypertension. In the case of hydralazine, I qualify that decision by explicitly stating that it has been an evidence-based therapy for the management of moderate to severe systolic heart failure in African-Americans.
Multivitamins are the most commonly used dietary supplement, with more 60% of women in the IWHS reporting their use.
Obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia are known to be highly prevalent in the general population, but less is known about their prevalence specifically in neurological populations. In a recent study of more than 9000 patients, researchers investigated this further.
A 38-year-old man presents with several days of ongoing severe abdominal pain in his upper abdomen that radiates to his back. He describes the pain as “boring and unrelenting” and is not crampy or colicky.
<p>For people with osteoarthritis of the hip, pain levels tracked with the weather over the course of a small two-year study, Dutch researchers say.</p>