
<p>A number of recent studies support last year's update of 2010 treat-to-target recommendations for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to the international task force that revised them.</p>
A 3-year-old girl is brought into your office by her mother after a day of diarrhea and vomiting. Following a diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis, the child's mother asks if probiotics would be an option for treatment.
By Kate Kelland and Genevra Pittman
Smoking cessation can decrease morbidity and mortality and improve quality of life, including in elders.
<p>People with sciatica had more short-term relief if they received chiropractic care along with exercise and advice, rather than exercise and advice alone.</p>
<p>Kids who get hurt in falls from furniture often live in homes without safety gates or weren't taught rules about climbing in the house, a new study has found.</p>
Although multimorbidity and mental disorders have been shown to be associated with frequent emergency department visits, the interaction between the two is less well understood.
New research examined the link between sodium intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease among patients with chronic kidney disease.
New data presented at CROI 2020 suggests that hepatitis C virus screening should be considered in all men who have sex with men regardless of HIV status.
<p>Monitoring asthma symptoms online once a month may help children reduce their use of steroids, particularly when routine clinic visits are infrequent.</p>
Pediatric allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) has become an increasingly recognized condition in the last decade, with recent U.S. prevalence estimates ranging from 41% to 77% based on confirmed positive patch-test reactions in children.
<p><span>Mothers of kids with disabilities might be more forgetful as they age than other mothers, suggesting that the stresses of parenting a disabled child wear on their minds over time.</span></p>
Insulin pumps are small, portable, external electronic devices that deliver insulin to the body in a continuous fashion for basal needs.
Jonathan Kay, MD, provided a biosimilars overview to health care professionals from across the autoimmune disease spectrum.
<div id="article-content-body"><p>This 10-year-old boy presented for evaluation of a rash that developed during a spring vacation on Florida’s Atlantic coast. After he had been swimming in the ocean, a pruritic, erythematous, papular rash developed on his trunk, axillae, and groin. Approximately 24 hours after the onset of the rash, he experienced malaise, chills, and a sore throat. His past medical history was unremarkable. He had been fully immunized and had had varicella infection. </p></div>
<p>In the era of need-based donor lung allocation, double-lung transplantation has been associated with better graft survival than single-lung transplantation in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), new research shows.</p>