
Eggs have done a complete turnaround over the past 50 years, from a food on the “Do Not Eat” list to one of the best healthy food choices, writes Anne Danahy, MS, RDN.
The purpose of the study is to determine whether hemoglobin A1c in nondiabetes (which includes prediabetes) inevitably rises with time.
In medicine, we tend to think about end-of-life issues as ethical or legal concerns.
<p>The U.S Food and Drug Administration said it is asking drugmakers for data on antimicrobials sold for use in each food animal, such as cows and chickens, as part of efforts to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.</p>
<p><span>A <span>U.S.&nbsp;</span>government nutrition program for pregnant moms and small children hasn't kept pace with technology, and experts say its paper voucher system is driving low-income women away when they need the program most.</span></p>
<p>&nbsp;Antihypertensive medications were associated with an increased risk of serious fall injuries, particularly among those with previous fall injuries, in a study of elderly people.</p>
<p>Performing total joint arthroplasty (TJA) for knees as a same-day procedure comes with relatively high readmission rates.</p>
Joan, a 28-year-old overweight woman, comes into your office for her annual check-up. When you ask about her diet, she admits to drinking a lot of soda – up to 5 cans per day. In your history, she relates that because she also consumes a lot of salty snacks and that is why she is drinking more soda.
Bob is a 46-year-old overweight man concerned about his risk of developing diabetes. The disease runs in his family, and Bob has already begun showing signs of prediabetes. He asks if there are any lifestyle changes he can make to help prevent the development of the disease.
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Surgery may be indicated in fewer cases of diverticulitis than previously thought, according to a recent literature review.
Researchers investigated a possible link between testosterone treatment in men and the risk of heart attack in this new study.
A recent study examined causes of delays in seeking cancer treatment and the effect of these delays on outcomes.
By Anne HardingNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are distinctly different on the microbiome level, new findings show.
Findings presented at the SLEEP 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting suggest that taking longer, more frequent naps during the day may be associated with incident Alzheimer dementia risk among community-based older adults.
By Lorraine L. JaneczkoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – "Booster sessions" with a physiotherapist help older adults with osteoarthritis keep doing their exercises, a new systematic review and meta-analysis suggests.
By Shereen Jegtvig