
In a recent study, researchers examined the rates of screening and various outcomes associated with PrEP use for HIV within emergency department settings.
The updated guidelines for HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children are intended for use by health care providers.
By Shereen JegtvigNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Toddlers who continue to use bottles beyond 12 to 15 months of age tend to be overweight. But simply switching them to sippy cups may not prevent extra weight gain, a new study finds.Doctors recommend introducing sippy cups at six months and weaning toddlers off bottles completely by the time they're 15 months old.
By Lorraine L. JaneczkoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Novice rescuers doing CPR should contact the victim's sternum with the same hand as the side of the body from which they approach, regardless of handedness, Korean researchers say.In a manikin study, they found that rescuers on the victim's left side gave deeper compressions using their left hand against the sternum instead of their right, even if they were right-handed -- and vice versa.
By Kathryn Doyle
By Anne HardingNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Exposure to pesticides that block aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is associated with a higher risk of Parkinson's disease (PD), new findings show.
By Anne HardingNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - High blood pressure (BP) often goes unrecognized in girls with Turner syndrome, and is more common in those with obesity or a history of aortic coarctation, according to new research.
A recent meta-analysis investigated the effects of intensive blood pressure (BP) control vs standard BP control on renal outcomes in patients without diabetes who have chronic kidney disease.
Intravenous opioid use can lead to infective endocarditis, which can result in stroke. Researchers evaluated the effect of the opioid epidemic on infection-related stroke hospitalization rates.
It’s August, a time when students are getting ready to return to school. While many of us think of school as a place to learn and socialize, families experiencing food insecurity may see it as a place to eat. Many schools operate year-round to keep kids fed during the summer months. However, school meals will look very different this year due to COVID-19.
The 2013 Primary Care Cardiometabolic Risk Summit kicked off with a keynote address from John E. Anderson, MD.
New research assessed the efficacy of combining treatment with long-acting beta agonists and corticosteroids in elderly patients with COPD.
<p>Infants whose mothers were infected with malaria or helminths during pregnancy have impaired immune responses to Hib and&nbsp;DT&nbsp;vaccines.</p>
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Tonsillectomy is "very safe" in adults, with low mortality and morbidity rates, a new study has found.
<p>There's no single trick for getting toddlers and preschoolers to nap, and it's possible that some children who resist sleeping during the day are getting all the rest they need at night.</p>
A 5 year-old girl presented for a well-child care visit, and her physical examination results showed circumferential dental caries of her anterior maxillary dentition.
Researchers investigated the association between exercise and increased alcohol consumption in a new study.