
In this video, Jesse L. Berry, MD, discusses her team's study that examined the use of aqueous humor liquid biopsy to determine metastatic risk in patients with uveal melanoma (UM). Dr Berry talks about how this method of biopsy impacts the clinical care of patients with UM, what knowledge gaps currently exist, and the future of this area of research.
Joel J. Heidelbaugh, MD, spoke about evaluating and managing epigastric discomfort, recognizing “alarm” symptoms in patients, and understanding when to test for Helicobacter pylori infection.
In this article, Michael J. Bloch, MD, compares the use of chlorthalidone vs hydrochlorothiazide in the management of adults with high blood pressure, including the results of The Chlorthalidone vs Hydrochlorothiazide for Hypertension – Cardiovascular Events trial.
<p>Guidance that prohibits "screen time" for children under 2 years requires updating, says author. &nbsp;</p>
<p><span>A new literature-based algorithm provides guidance for physicians on managing neonates born to mothers with Graves' disease.</span></p>
<p>Antidepressant use right before and during pregnancy may be linked with a higher risk of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children.</p>
A patient came to me in search of a primary care physician who could affirm the psychosomatic nature of most of his symptoms, thus avoiding unnecessary tests that would only exacerbate his somatic symptoms.
In this video, cardiologists Seth Martin, MD, MHS, and Jessica Golbus, MD, speak with Sarah Riley, MSN, CRNP, CHFN, and Michael Dorsch, PharmD, MS, in a roundtable discussion on the role of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with heart failure, including current guidelines and how a multidisciplinary approach can positively impact patient care. 
Lewis S. Nelson, MD, chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, discusses the key components of treating opioid overdose and opioid use disorder in the emergency department and beyond.
In a recent study, researchers evaluated the association between the gut microbiome and disease severity in patients with COVID-19
Previous studies have indicated that anxiety predicts cognitive deterioration in older adults and in those with mild cognitive impairment. In a recent systematic review, researchers aimed to assess whether anxiety in midlife could predict future dementia risk.
A recent study evaluates the effectiveness of the Eco-Atkins diet and its impact on weight loss and heart disease risk.
A 69-year-old Caucasian male with known history of hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and smoking presented to the surgeon with a neck mass.
Smoking cessation can decrease morbidity and mortality and improve quality of life, including in elders.
<p><img src="/sites/default/files/transfer/Screen_shot_2012-06-14_at_11.40.45_AM.png" width="90" height="90" style="margin: 5px; float: left;"><br>The artificial pancreas, or closed-loop insulin delivery, may improve glycemic control&nbsp;in&nbsp;children with diabetes, even in&nbsp;those&nbsp;younger than 7 years, as the method saw significantly fewer patients spending time above 300 mg/dL at night compared with those using open-loop delivery.&nbsp;</p>