
Joel J. Heidelbaugh, MD, spoke about evaluating and managing epigastric discomfort, recognizing “alarm” symptoms in patients, and understanding when to test for Helicobacter pylori infection.
In this article, Michael J. Bloch, MD, compares the use of chlorthalidone vs hydrochlorothiazide in the management of adults with high blood pressure, including the results of The Chlorthalidone vs Hydrochlorothiazide for Hypertension – Cardiovascular Events trial.
A patient came to me in search of a primary care physician who could affirm the psychosomatic nature of most of his symptoms, thus avoiding unnecessary tests that would only exacerbate his somatic symptoms.
<p>Dengue fever usually manifests as a fever, as the name implies, but among elderly patients it might strike without fever at all, but rather as appetite loss and weakness.</p>
By Kathryn Doyle(Reuters Health) - Being sedentary, at least in moderation, is unlikely to cause heart disease, according to a new review of past research.
While early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis is key, a new study that was released during ACR Convergence shows that there is often a delay in diagnosis. Find out which patients are at the highest risk for delayed diagnosis.
Matt is a 37-year-old man who is concerned about his weight and his risk of heart disease. He consumes a fairly standard Western diet, and is curious about what changes he can make to both lower his risk and help him to lose weight.
Lewis S. Nelson, MD, chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, discusses the key components of treating opioid overdose and opioid use disorder in the emergency department and beyond.
Data presented at the 23rd United European Gastroenterology Week meeting detailed the relationship between body mass index and waist circumference and the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
<p><span>Community-based music lessons for disadvantaged youth can have positive biologic effects on their brains, a new study has found.</span></p>
<p>Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients who achieve remission on treatment may want to go off their IBD medications. But half or more of those who do will have a relapse, according to comprehensive analysis of relevant research.</p>
In a recent study, researchers evaluated the association between the gut microbiome and disease severity in patients with COVID-19
Previous studies have indicated that anxiety predicts cognitive deterioration in older adults and in those with mild cognitive impairment. In a recent systematic review, researchers aimed to assess whether anxiety in midlife could predict future dementia risk.
A 69-year-old Caucasian male with known history of hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and smoking presented to the surgeon with a neck mass.
A recent study evaluates the effectiveness of the Eco-Atkins diet and its impact on weight loss and heart disease risk.