
<p>Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients who achieve remission on treatment may want to go off their IBD medications. But half or more of those who do will have a relapse, according to comprehensive analysis of relevant research.</p>
In a recent study, researchers evaluated the association between the gut microbiome and disease severity in patients with COVID-19
Previous studies have indicated that anxiety predicts cognitive deterioration in older adults and in those with mild cognitive impairment. In a recent systematic review, researchers aimed to assess whether anxiety in midlife could predict future dementia risk.
A 69-year-old Caucasian male with known history of hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and smoking presented to the surgeon with a neck mass.
A recent study evaluates the effectiveness of the Eco-Atkins diet and its impact on weight loss and heart disease risk.
Joel J. Heidelbaugh, MD, spoke about evaluating and managing epigastric discomfort, recognizing “alarm” symptoms in patients, and understanding when to test for Helicobacter pylori infection.
In this article, Michael J. Bloch, MD, compares the use of chlorthalidone vs hydrochlorothiazide in the management of adults with high blood pressure, including the results of The Chlorthalidone vs Hydrochlorothiazide for Hypertension – Cardiovascular Events trial.
Researchers conducted a prospective observational study in order to evaluate the prevalence of HCV infection in 670 patients from a penitentiary in Italy.
In this commentary, Dr Kimberly DeQuattro explains the challenges in transitioning a patient from pediatric to adult rheumatology care and how rheumatologists can approach these challenges.
<p><img src="/sites/default/files/transfer/Screen_shot_2012-06-14_at_11.40.45_AM.png" width="90" height="90" style="margin: 5px; float: left;"><br>The artificial pancreas, or closed-loop insulin delivery, may improve glycemic control&nbsp;in&nbsp;children with diabetes, even in&nbsp;those&nbsp;younger than 7 years, as the method saw significantly fewer patients spending time above 300 mg/dL at night compared with those using open-loop delivery.&nbsp;</p>
The ACG’s treatment guidelines for Crohn disease offer significant lessons for physicians. David A. Schwartz, MD, provided an overview at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease virtual regional meeting on September 12.
In a recent review, researchers assessed clinical trials that had investigated the safety and efficacy of Clostridium difficile toxoid vaccines.
For the answer to this question, I looked to Attachment Parenting International. According to API, the goal is “to raise children who will become adults with a highly developed capacity for empathy and connection.” This method uses no violence in order to prevent violence.
Medicine’s history is of slow, incremental progress with many pauses, reverses, and explosive accelerations.
Individuals that get more than 8 hours of sleep a night have a significantly higher risk of stroke than those getting an average amount of sleep each night, according to a new study.