
In addition to seeing improvements in cholesterol levels, older men taking statins may notice some positive effects from the medication in the bedroom as well.
Researchers have discovered a new class of lipids called fatty-acid esters of hydroxyl fatty acids (FAHFAs) that may be a useful tool in the battle against type 2 diabetes.
<p class="p1"><img src="/sites/default/files/transfer/1208CFP_CPScabies_Fg1.jpg" width="90" height="90" style="margin: 5px; float: left;"><br>Twin 16-month-old boys were referred by a pediatric endocrinologist to the pediatric dermatology clinic for assessment of generalized itchy lesions of 7 months’ duration. The lesions had been treated as eczema with a topical corticosteroid, which provided no relief. The twins were born prematurely at 33 weeks’ gestation and had been receiving thyroxine for congenital hypothyroidism. There was no personal or family history of atopy.</p>
A new study examined the effects of a walnut-enriched diet on learning skills, memory, anxiety, and motor coordination in Alzheimer’s disease.
In this podcast, Nirmish Shah, MD, discusses patient involvement and the use of patient-reported outcomes in the development of sickle cell disease interventions. Dr Shah’s team presented research on this topic titled “Development of a Patient Reported Outcome Daily Diary to Assess Symptom Burden in Sickle Cell Disease” at the American Society of Hematology’s 2023 annual meeting in San Diego, CA.
Rachel is a 28-year-old woman who struggles with her weight and who follows a vegetarian diet. Rachel is concerned about her risk of diabetes and asks if there are any healthy sources of protein that may also help her lower her risk of developing the disease.
A flurry of recent reports has supported the health benefits of whole-fat milk. Increased dairy fat has been linked to lower rates of diabetes, and to improved cardiovascular health. The traditional advice – that low-fat or skim milk can help reduce weight, and help improve health – may have been based on faulty assumptions about the way ingested dairy fat affects metabolism.
By Lorraine L JaneczkoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Patients who have a support service for their breathlessness may live better and longer, new research from Europe suggests.
<p><span>Very premature babies are known to have an increased risk for ADHD, and a new study suggests this may be true also for babies born only slightly early.</span></p>
<p>For people with osteoarthritis, common pain relievers may have small benefits for depression symptoms as well.</p>
By Gabriel MillerNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Chronic rhinosinusitis may be the result of an overactive immune response to normal microbes, not necessarily bacterial infection, a new study suggests.
In this podcast, Nicole Hood, MPH, discusses the results of her team's study examining vaccine effectiveness among pediatric patients across nine influenza seasons from 2011 to 2020.
This Featured article was originally published in the September 1961 issue of Consultant. Read the Editorial based on this article, written by XXX, here.   Author: Alvan R. Feinstein, MD New York University Citation: Feinstein AR. Rheumatic fever: problems in diagnosis. Consultant. 1961:1(9):16-19.    
<p><span>Children whose mothers faced more psychosocial stressors during pregnancy have higher levels of cortisol in their hair and worse health.</span></p>
New research examines the effect of as little as 20 minutes of aerobic exercise on long-term memory.
<p>The benefits of hypothermia treatment for newborns deprived of oxygen at birth persist at age 6 and 7, according to an updated evaluation of the TOBY trial.</p>