
Preliminary results of a small study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have shown that curing insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) improves the effectiveness of antidepressants.
A recent study examined the potential association between cardiovascular health and the risk of cognitive decline.
<p><img alt="" height="90" src="/sites/default/files/images/Screen%20shot%202012-07-06%20at%2011.02.40%20AM.png" style="float:left" width="90" /><br /> It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr Brunton to the Editorial Board of CONSULTANT. His 30 years of experience in the&nbsp;development of education for primary care clinicians make him well qualified to serve as one of our key advisors.</p>
As frontline health care professionals, registered nurses play a critical role in the provision of patient care and support, as well as administrative duties such as recordkeeping and directing nursing care systems.
In this podcast, Eyitayo Owolabi, PhD, RN, discusses how diabetes technology is being used to support and educate patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, including addressing health care access barriers and promoting medication use, blood glucose monitoring, risk-reduction, problem-solving, healthy coping, engaging in healthy dietary practices, and physical activity. Dr Owolabi also presented on this topic at ADCES 2023 during a poster presentation titled Technology-Based Diabetes Education and Support for Persons Newly Diagnosed with T2D: A Scoping Review. 
I have watched more offices over the past few years close their phones and front desk during the lunch hour. If you close your office for an hour at lunchtime, what message are you sending your patients? You are declaring that serving your patients takes a back seat to serving yourself and your employees. Closing your phone lines at lunchtime means that you are creating missed opportunities for a vital 20% - 25% of your business day.
Neil Baum, MDNeil Baum, MD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Urology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA, and author of Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, and Economically, Jones Bartlett Publishers. He is also author of Social Media For The Healthcare Profession, Greenbranch Publishing, 2011. He blogs at
Researchers sought to determine the ways in which rheumatoid arthritis impacts the risk of myocardial infarction, major adverse cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality among patients with and without coronary artery disease.
Attempting to fully understand the mechanisms that are in place to pay for pediatric health care services can be daunting.
<p>More than 20,000 people living in U.S. nursing homes experienced serious injuries to the face last year.</p>
In this video, Mark Zimmerman, MD, speaks about emerging treatments for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), including the recent research suggesting that the focus of depression treatment should be broader than symptom elimination. He also spoke on this topic at Psych Congress 2022 in a session titled "Symptoms Management Or Symptom Elimination? What Should Be the Goal of Treatment of Depression in Real World Clinical Practice?" 
CARP predominantly affects young adults and typically involves the upper back, chest, neck, axillae, face, and flexural areas.
According to new research, a sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could affect blood glucose levels of people with type 2 diabetes.
In a recent study, researchers sought to determine the impact of extended left ventricular assist device support in patients who had received cardiovascular surgery.
Dupilumab can significantly improve lung function and asthma exacerbation rates in children, according to new research from the phase 3 Liberty Asthma QUEST study.  
A new study evaluated the effect of regular walking on the risk of stroke, heart disease, and depression.
Single-letter changes to the DNA code of a specific gene increase the risk of schizophrenia 35-fold, according to a study by an international consortium of researchers in the online Nature Neuroscience.