
CARP predominantly affects young adults and typically involves the upper back, chest, neck, axillae, face, and flexural areas.
According to new research, a sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could affect blood glucose levels of people with type 2 diabetes.
In a recent study, researchers sought to determine the impact of extended left ventricular assist device support in patients who had received cardiovascular surgery.
Dupilumab can significantly improve lung function and asthma exacerbation rates in children, according to new research from the phase 3 Liberty Asthma QUEST study.  
A new study evaluated the effect of regular walking on the risk of stroke, heart disease, and depression.
Single-letter changes to the DNA code of a specific gene increase the risk of schizophrenia 35-fold, according to a study by an international consortium of researchers in the online Nature Neuroscience.
Researchers evaluated the impact an intensified dose of dolutegravir had on patients living with HIV. Their research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2023 in Seattle, WA.
Researchers examined whether solithromycin was as safe and effective as moxifloxicam in treating patients with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.
Researchers examined the safety and efficacy of commonly used nutritional supplement treatments for hair loss in adults.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has released its 2021 adult and pediatric immunization schedules, including interim recommendations on the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
By Reuters Staff(Reuters) - A U.S. professional group that certifies obstetricians and gynecologists has loosened a decades-old restriction on its board-certified members treating male patients, after mounting pressure from doctors and researchers.
The mortality benefits of moderate drinking may be much smaller than previous research has indicated, according to a recent study.
The risk of developing diabetes in patients taking glucocorticoids for rheumatoid arthritis was assessed in a recent study.
<p>Guidance that prohibits "screen time" for children under 2 years requires updating, says author. &nbsp;</p>
By Genevra PittmanNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Babies born at 25 weeksgestation or earlier have a "substantial likelihood" of having avery low IQ or other neurodevelopmental problems in childhood,researchers said today.In a review of nine past studies, they found that 24% to 43%of extremely premature infants went on to have moderate orsevere impairment, depending on early they were born.
<p>Most kids in the U.S. who take medication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are not getting behavioral counseling therapy as well, according to a new study.</p>