
Although most of the literature on home insulin pump use currently focuses on adults with type 1 diabetes, Sarah Lawson, MD, and her team recently developed a study that looks at the pediatric population. Dr Lawson discusses her team's findings and how it fills the current gap in the literature on this topic.
Preventing burnout is a very important aspect of one’s professional life. As you begin your career, consider not only what you want now but also what you want 10, 20, 30 years into your profession. While this “peering into the future” consideration is not completely accurate, you should be honest with yourself about who you are and what you want now and in the future.
<p><span>A portable ultrasound may be effective at diagnosing pediatric pneumonia, a small study suggests, potentially offering a more affordable and accessible alternative to chest X-rays.</span></p>
<p>Children who carry presenilin 1 E280A mutations associated with autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease show functional and structural brain changes and abnormal levels of plasma Abeta1-42.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
By Kathryn DoyleIt's known that women, as a group, outlive men, but the female survival advantage begins at birth and may stem from some fundamental vulnerability of boys, according to a new study.Researchers looking at U.S. national data on both boys and girls from infancy up to age 20 found boys more likely to experience a range of illnesses, and to die of them, than girls.
A new study out of the Mayo Clinic assesses the risk of death in patients with mild cognitive decline as compared to individuals with no thinking problems.
New research evaluated the mortality rates from cardiovascular disease on global populations.
<p>Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) reduces recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with active cancer to an extent comparable with warfarin but with less clinically relevant bleeding.</p>
A recent study examined the potential association between cardiovascular health and the risk of cognitive decline.
<p><img alt="" height="90" src="/sites/default/files/images/Screen%20shot%202012-07-06%20at%2011.02.40%20AM.png" style="float:left" width="90" /><br /> It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr Brunton to the Editorial Board of CONSULTANT. His 30 years of experience in the&nbsp;development of education for primary care clinicians make him well qualified to serve as one of our key advisors.</p>
I have watched more offices over the past few years close their phones and front desk during the lunch hour. If you close your office for an hour at lunchtime, what message are you sending your patients? You are declaring that serving your patients takes a back seat to serving yourself and your employees. Closing your phone lines at lunchtime means that you are creating missed opportunities for a vital 20% - 25% of your business day.
Neil Baum, MDNeil Baum, MD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Urology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA, and author of Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, and Economically, Jones Bartlett Publishers. He is also author of Social Media For The Healthcare Profession, Greenbranch Publishing, 2011. He blogs at
Jenny is a healthy 26-year-old woman. At her most recent check up, Jenny mentions that she has been experiencing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and is curious if there are any lifestyle modifications she can make to help improve her symptoms.
While having good genes certainly helps, a growing body of research suggests that how well you age depends largely on you and what you do.
New research suggests that poor blood sugar control leads to an increased risk for wound complications in patients undergoing surgery for chronic diabetes-related wounds. The study authors believe that the key to optimizing outcomes in these complicated patients is ultimately a multidisciplinary approach.