
<p>Most kids in the U.S. who take medication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are not getting behavioral counseling therapy as well, according to a new study.</p>
<p>Every day, 15,000 babies enter and leave the world with no record of their ever having existed, while 1 in 3 newborns—more than 45 million—do not have a birth certificate by their first birthday, undermining the fight against infant mortality.</p>
<p>Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and dietary supplements are associated with lower odds&nbsp;of heart disease in higher-risk populations.&nbsp;</p>
By Marilynn Larkin
The following brief case vignette raises an important issue of incidental finding after screening imaging.
Researchers analyzed the effects that diets rich in red meat, white meat, and plants have on TMAO levels, metabolism, and renal excretion.
CARP predominantly affects young adults and typically involves the upper back, chest, neck, axillae, face, and flexural areas.
Researchers investigated the potential association between time spent on social media and internalizing and externalizing mental health issues among US adolescents. Consultant360 discussed the findings further with corresponding study author Kira Riehm.
While full remission of proteinuria has been shown to decrease the speed of disease progression among patients with FSGS, it is not clear whether smaller reductions in proteinuria could also benefit these patients.
By Reuters Staff(Reuters) - A U.S. professional group that certifies obstetricians and gynecologists has loosened a decades-old restriction on its board-certified members treating male patients, after mounting pressure from doctors and researchers.
The mortality benefits of moderate drinking may be much smaller than previous research has indicated, according to a recent study.
The risk of developing diabetes in patients taking glucocorticoids for rheumatoid arthritis was assessed in a recent study.