
A recent study examined the potential association between cardiovascular health and the risk of cognitive decline.
<p><img alt="" height="90" src="/sites/default/files/images/Screen%20shot%202012-07-06%20at%2011.02.40%20AM.png" style="float:left" width="90" /><br /> It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr Brunton to the Editorial Board of CONSULTANT. His 30 years of experience in the&nbsp;development of education for primary care clinicians make him well qualified to serve as one of our key advisors.</p>
In this COVID-19 roundup, we discuss global excess mortality during the pandemic, the prevalence and treatment of individuals experiencing long COVID-19 after initial infection, and the safety of mRNA vaccination in the first 6 months of vaccine administration to the general public.
An 11-year-old, right-hand-dominant girl with an unremarkable medical history presented with a lump on her right wrist that had appeared the previous day.
According to new research, a sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could affect blood glucose levels of people with type 2 diabetes.
In a recent study, researchers sought to determine the impact of extended left ventricular assist device support in patients who had received cardiovascular surgery.
Dupilumab can significantly improve lung function and asthma exacerbation rates in children, according to new research from the phase 3 Liberty Asthma QUEST study.  
A new study evaluated the effect of regular walking on the risk of stroke, heart disease, and depression.
Single-letter changes to the DNA code of a specific gene increase the risk of schizophrenia 35-fold, according to a study by an international consortium of researchers in the online Nature Neuroscience.
Researchers evaluated the impact an intensified dose of dolutegravir had on patients living with HIV. Their research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2023 in Seattle, WA.
Jeffrey is a 54-year-old overweight man who is concerned about his blood pressure levels.
This article gives an overview of the etiology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic skin disorder characterized by the presence of recurrent inflammatory nodules resulting in sinuses, fistulas, and scarring, commonly in the intertriginous areas.
Researchers sought to determine the relationship between hemoglobin levels and the risk for developing dementia and AD.
Researchers analyzed findings of the multi-site MESA Study to determine whether FGF23 is associated with an increased risk for heart failure among individuals with hypertension.
This patient reminded us vividly with several remarks that awareness of her past shaped the person that she is.
The majority of those listed with a penicillin allergy on their EHR aren’t actually allergic, according to a new study.
Researchers investigated the potential association between time spent on social media and internalizing and externalizing mental health issues among US adolescents. Consultant360 discussed the findings further with corresponding study author Kira Riehm.