
Adults with moderate to severe depression were found to have a higher all-cause risk of ischemic heart and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality than adults without depression, according to a prospective cohort study published in JAMA Network Open.
A recent study evaluated the effectiveness of a new technique for the treatment of the symptoms of major depressive disorder.
A recent study examined the effects of consuming a diet high in nitrates on muscle power and function in patients with systolic heart failure.
Allison Musante, ELS, is the associate editor of Clinical Geriatrics and Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging. E-mail her with thoughts on this post at, or post comments directly below. 
Researchers explored the possibility that dietary changes may be responsible for the rise of asthma and allergies in a new study.
In this episode, Lisa Jones interviews Sherri Jones, MS, MBA, RDN, LDN, SSGB, CPHQ, FAND, about tracking nutrition care outcomes and advancing evidence-based nutrition practice research. This is episode 4 of a 4-part series. 
A recent study examined the effect of influenza vaccination on rates of cardiovascular and respiratory conditions and all-cause death in people with type 2 diabetes.
Researchers who developed a meta-analysis of 19 randomized controlled trials found a statistically significant improvement in overall survival with sorafenib when compared with placebo for patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Their findings were presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO 2024) in Houston, TX.
A new study finds that resistance training can increase the production of sex steroids in the muscles of older men.
Progressive resistance training results in substantial improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity in adults with mild cognitive impairment, according to a new study.
Investigators analyzed the effect of running for 5 to 10 minutes a day on all-cause mortality and life expectancy.
While many studies have previously identified divorce as a contributor to later depression, new research sheds light on which patients are at the highest risk.
In this podcast, William Schaffner, MD, discusses the key take-home messages from the 2023 Annual Conference on Vaccinology Research, hosted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, including COVID-19 prevention and management, influenza prevention and treatment in children through older adults, and challenges, breakthroughs, and emerging tools in that are development to prevent respiratory syncytial virus.
The discovery of the genetic processes can help in the development of therapies that slow or stop the development of dementia.
Many adults with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) experience symptoms of anxiety and depression, suggesting a bidirectional causal relationship, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
<p><span>Young children with congenital health conditions tend to report higher quality of life than their parents report for them, researchers from UK have found.</span></p>
Late-life mood disorders are the most common reasons for using CAM therapies in older persons.
After demonstrating efficacy in a 6-month trial, a BP reduction intervention implemented in black barbershops was further tested for sustainability through 1 year. The results were encouraging.
<p><span>Roughly every 8 minutes from 2002 through 2012, a child in the U.S. experienced a medication mistake, according to a new study of calls to poison control hotlines.</span></p>