
<p>A small U.S. study raises new questions about whether using electronic cigarettes will lead people to quit smoking.</p>
<p><span>A portable ultrasound may be effective at diagnosing pediatric pneumonia, a small study suggests, potentially offering a more affordable and accessible alternative to chest X-rays.</span></p>
<p>Children who carry presenilin 1 E280A mutations associated with autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease show functional and structural brain changes and abnormal levels of plasma Abeta1-42.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
By Kathryn DoyleIt's known that women, as a group, outlive men, but the female survival advantage begins at birth and may stem from some fundamental vulnerability of boys, according to a new study.Researchers looking at U.S. national data on both boys and girls from infancy up to age 20 found boys more likely to experience a range of illnesses, and to die of them, than girls.
I humbly disagree with the authors of a Photoclinic case on bilateral clinodactyly of the fifth finger that was published in your January issue. Drs Alexander Leung and W. Lane M. Robson write: "In most cases, the condition is an isolated anomaly and is not of any medical significance.
Although most of the literature on home insulin pump use currently focuses on adults with type 1 diabetes, Sarah Lawson, MD, and her team recently developed a study that looks at the pediatric population. Dr Lawson discusses her team's findings and how it fills the current gap in the literature on this topic.
Dr Krysko: I'm Kristin Krysko. I'm a neurologist and a multiple sclerosis/neuroimmunology clinical research fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, where I'm studying treatment of pediatric MS. This study is entitled “Real-world Effectiveness of Initial Treatment with Newer compared to Injectable Disease-modifying Therapies in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis.”
More than 30% of adults in the United States have hypertension, although more of the cases are uncontrolled than are controlled.
In this podcast, Bisharah Rizvi, MD, and Vijay Balasubramanian, MD, MRCP (UK), talk about their research paper that they presented at CHEST 2021, which examined hospital data to determine the burden of pulmonary arterial hypertension from 2007 to 2017.
A new study investigated the potential of dairy fat to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
Results of a recent study detail the association between prednisone use and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis, and how the risk is affected by methotrexate use.
Researchers analyzed a multi-prong approach for suppressing the viral loads of simians infected with HIV after antiretroviral therapy was discontinued. This approach may pave the way for an HIV-1 cure in humans.
Reach Out and Read is a national program whose mission is preparing the United States’ youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with health care providers to prescribe books and encourage families to read together.
<p><span>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning adolescents who face bullying and other types of abuse have been told in the media, "It gets better," and new research supports that claim.</span></p>
This content has been reposted with permission from GeriPal, a Geriatrics and Palliative Care blog, at GeriPal is a forum for discourse, recent news and research, and freethinking commentary. Opinions expressed in these posts solely represent the views of the author, and are not to be constructed as representative of any academic institution or medical center associated with GeriPal or of Clinical Geriatrics.
In addition to seeing improvements in cholesterol levels, older men taking statins may notice some positive effects from the medication in the bedroom as well.
Researchers have discovered a new class of lipids called fatty-acid esters of hydroxyl fatty acids (FAHFAs) that may be a useful tool in the battle against type 2 diabetes.