
<p>Parents should quit smoking while their children are young to help prevent them from picking up the habit later on, according to a new study.</p>
Dr Thomas van Sloten, MD Increasing connections between physical health and depressive symptoms continue to be found in the psychiatric world, making the distinction between mind and bod
A new study examined whether lung function decline, assessed by forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second, is accelerated in women undergoing menopause.
Researchers analyzed data from patients with type 2 diabetes to determine how levels of daily insulin dosage impacted risk of death. .
Researchers conducted a meta-analysis to examine the neurocognitive benefits of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, among whom cognitive deficits are common and treatment options are limited.
Researchers investigated the effects of diet quality and a healthy lifestyle on disability and symptom burden among patients with multiple sclerosis in a recent study.
<p>People with diabetes who live in the poorest areas&nbsp;are twice as likely to end up with their legs or feet amputated than those living in the wealthiest areas.</p>
<p>Children with comorbidities may have higher rates of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by nonvaccine serotypes after receiving 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.</p>
By Rob Goodier(Reuters Health) - Studies have linked the use of social media to depression, but addiction to social media, rather than use alone, may explain the connection, new research suggests.
There is a noticeable rise in the prevalence of diverticulosis, especially in the Western hemisphere and in countries that have adopted a more Westernized lifestyle. I, myself, have noticed a rise in the number of hospital patients I see with either a history of diverticulosis or with an active diverticular flare.
Joey is a 30-year-old man with mild asthma who was recently required intubation during what he described as a “serious asthma attack.” At his most recent follow-up appointment, he asks how he could have experienced such an attack, given his mild asthma.
A new study out of the Mayo Clinic assesses the risk of death in patients with mild cognitive decline as compared to individuals with no thinking problems.
New research evaluated the mortality rates from cardiovascular disease on global populations.
A team led by UCLA researchers have validated a technique they say is the first “gold standard” for measuring atrophy in the brain’s hippocampus, an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease.
By Reuters Staff(Reuters) - The number of new drugs approved in the United States fell in 2013 compared with the previous year as fewer applications were filed, though several products for hard-to-treat diseases were approved in record time.
The old adage, “Not all that wheezes is asthma,” attributed to physician Chevalier Jackson (1865-1958), has never been more relevant than today, given reports that at least 30% of physicians’ asthma diagnoses are incorrect.