
Researchers recently explored whether menopausal night sweats could be a modifiable risk factor for subsequent cognitive decline. Their findings will be presented at the NAMS 2019 Annual Meeting.
For doctors, life is a learning experience. It entails learning how to deal with insurance companies and hospital personnel, as well as reading journals and completing CME. But it is so much more—it is about learning from the people who come into your life, especially your patients.
The authors describe the case of a newborn who was completely asymptomatic, with normal results on CHD screening tests, normal femoral pulses, and normal perfusion, but with a significant systolic murmur.
<p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/transfer/1208CFP_GDPectus_FgAB.jpg" style="height:90px; margin:5px; width:90px; float:left" /></p> <p><br /> The 2 brothers shown here were born with chest wall anomalies. The 18-year-old brother (<strong>A</strong>) had daily chest pain and decreased stamina when swimming. His medical history was significant for persistent asthma that required use of 2 prevention medications and a rescue&nbsp;inhaler. Pulmonary function testing showed both restrictive and obstructive disease. Between the ages of 12 and 17 years, he wore a brace for scoliosis; serial radiographs showed a maximum right thoracic curve of 33º and a maximum left thoracolumbar curve of 35º.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Long Beach has had&nbsp;triple the number of pertussis cases so far this year than in&nbsp;all of 2013.&nbsp;CDC is researching possible problems with the vaccine.</p>
By Laila Kearney(Reuters) - A Southern California city has seen a spike in reported whooping cough cases so far this year, with the number of infections nearly tripling compared to all of last year, possibly due to a less potent vaccine or lower vaccination rates, officials said on Wednesday.
From ghosts and goblins to excessive amounts of candy, there is plenty to watch out for on Halloween. Here, we examine 6 spooky ICD-10 codes to remember this Halloween.
Researchers recently conducted a survey to better understand the relationship between age of menopause and menarche and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
Researchers evaluated the national trends in the United States to determine the frequency of anesthesia/sedation in pediatric patients undergoing CT or MRI in emergency departments.
Colleen Murphy: Hello, everyone. Welcome to another installment of “Podcasts360,” your go‑to resource for medical news and clinical updates. I’m your moderator, Colleen Murphy, with Consultant360 Specialty Network.
The FDA has approved the first option for the treatment of patients with chronic fibrosing interstitial lung diseases with a progressive phenotype.
By Lisa Rapaport(Reuters Health) - The rate of adverse events associated with cough and cold medications in children is low, a new study confirms.
This Diabetes Q&A discusses basic history elements of an office visit for patients with diabetes.
There’s no doubt that the new reform law has much to offer seniors and geriatrics healthcare professionals.
According to researchers of a recent study, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with fatty fish could improve airway inflammation in children with asthma. How would your patients do with this type of diet?