
<p><span>The number of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes dropped by more than half over the past decade as safer vehicles hit the road and more young people received restricted licenses.</span></p>
<p>Teaching teens to see through pro-tobacco messages in the media may be better at preventing youth smoking than just saying no.</p>
Consultant360 has put together an overview of this month’s important nutrition news, as well as commentaries from top nutritional experts.
<p>People with a genetic predisposition for high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol may be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease throughout their lives, even long into old age, a new study suggests.</p>
By Genevra PittmanNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Young adults who had been criticized, insulted or threatened by a parent growing up were more likely to be anxious or depressed, in a new study.Even when the same or another parent expressed plenty of affection, researchers found the apparent harmful effects of having a verbally aggressive mother or father persisted.
<p>Concussions among high school athletes became more common with every passing academic year between 2005 and 2012.</p>
Delirium is a common and serious problem that affects as many as 70% of older persons admitted to critical care units.
<p>Transgender youth with gender dysphoria commonly report depression and thoughts of suicide, according to results of a recent study.</p>
Researchers conducted one of the first long-term studies to examine heart disease risk in adolescents, exploring how cardiovascular health affects cognitive function later in life.
While numerous studies have identified links between insufficient sleep, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes, a new study in the journal Diabetologia may be one of the first to identify a potential mechanism explaining the connection.
By Reuters StaffNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) circulation follows a biennial pattern of alternating early and late seasons, new research indicates.
<P><IMG style="MARGIN: 5px; FLOAT: left" src="/sites/default/files/transfer/1206CFP_ECKamat_BioPic.jpg" width=90 height=90> Deepak M. Kamat, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics and longtime&nbsp;<EM>Consultant For Pediatricians</EM>&nbsp;Editorial Board member, was recognized by Wayne State University with the 2012 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. The faculty members who receive this award have made outstanding contributions in their field of education and demonstrate exceptional knowledge, unwavering enthusiasm, and an uncanny ability to motivate students.&nbsp;</P>
<p><span>Schools that use suspension to punish drug use or that weakly enforce drug policies have higher rates of student marijuana use than schools with more consistent and less-punitive approaches.</span></p>
An 85-year-old woman who resides on the dementia unit of a nursing home is seen for routine care.
Young adults who were breastfed for 3 to 12 months as babies showed C-reactive protein levels 20% to 30% lower than individuals who were never breastfed.
Patients with both asthma and bronchiectasis have worse asthma control levels and lower respiratory function test results than patients with solely asthma or bronchiectasis, according to new research presented at the CHEST Annual Meeting.
Researchers aimed to clarify the association between testosterone levels and heart failure outcomes in a prospective observational study of 618 men.
Some studies suggest that orally administered dapsone is effective for infections caused by spider bites.