
A new study investigated the potential of dairy fat to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
Results of a recent study detail the association between prednisone use and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis, and how the risk is affected by methotrexate use.
Researchers analyzed a multi-prong approach for suppressing the viral loads of simians infected with HIV after antiretroviral therapy was discontinued. This approach may pave the way for an HIV-1 cure in humans.
Reach Out and Read is a national program whose mission is preparing the United States’ youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with health care providers to prescribe books and encourage families to read together.
Searching for the poetry of life is not just another checkbox—after documenting vital signs and recording the review of systems—to be completed after each patient visit.
Patients who are immunocompromised are at a higher risk for the consequences of alcohol use disorder. In this study, researchers examined the impact of a screening tool among patients with HIV.
Researchers evaluated 370,672 admissions across 797 US hospitals to determine whether oral anticoagulant prescribing patterns and clinical outcomes change based on patients’ chronic kidney disease status. The study was presented at ACC.19.
Do I have to treat my daughter’s fever when she is acting fine? What fever reducer should I use, acetaminophen or ibuprofen? And can I use them together and/or alternate them?
A study that assessed the Intermountain INSPIRE Registry examined the association between depression and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease.
A new study from France suggests the more processed a food a person eats, the greater their risk of cancer.
<p>Seniors who receive prescriptions for opioid drugs to control pain after major surgery don't usually end up addicted to them.</p>
We often forget about improving things in our medical practices. We get comfortable and complacent. We often assume, we do a good job, no need to fix what isn’t broken.But time and time again, I’m reminded that there is always areas of improvement. I’m also reminded that on occasion, we don’t do things as good as I see them in my mind.
Researchers conducted interviews at 3 academic institutions to determine how aware physicians were of central venous catheters in their hospitalized patients.
In a recent study, researchers sought to explore the effects of diet on depression symptoms in young adults.
Seth Baum: Hello again, Cardiology Consultant audience. My name is Seth Baum. I’m a preventive cardiologist, the immediate past president of the American Society for Preventive Cardiology, and I’m very happy to be here today to just chat with you once again. I wanted to mention today frankly how difficult it has been through COVID and also how we have been successful at meeting some of these challenges.
In this video, Anna Jo Smith, MD, MPH, MSc, discusses the use of two FDA-approved immunotherapy treatments for endometrial cancer in patients. She talks about health care disparities surrounding the delivery of immunotherapy treatments to patients, why gynecologists and oncologists should consider this method of treatment for eligible patients, and what the next steps are for research on this topic. Dr Smith presented her findings at The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) 2024 Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. 
<p>The amount of time children spend playing video games is linked to small differences in their mental and social health, according to a new study.</p>
<p>T<span>he use of videolaryngoscopy is associated with improved neonatal intubation rates by inexperienced trainees, researchers report.</span></p>