
Linda is a 55-year-old woman who is concerned about staying healthy as she gets older. She has read that increasing her omega-3 intake, particularly by adding fish to her diet, is the best source. She comes to you today to ask if you have any other recommendations.
<p>Rock-climbing teens suffer about as many injuries as young ice hockey or soccer players, most often straining or spraining their hands and fingers and developing tendonitis.</p>
<p>Addressing the fact that many children and adolescents have few rules and little supervision of their media use, a revised AAP statement provides pediatric health care providers with practical recommendations and advice to offer patients and their parents about safe, savvy, and sensible use of screens and the content on them.</p>
<p>Adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) gain significant benefits from regular exercise training, researchers say.</p>
Increased Availability to Food Contributes to Increased Obesity Rate
The main approaches to treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.
An excellent read on the life of Sir William Osler can be found in Charles S Bryan’s Osler: Inspirations from a Great Physician.1 Here are some important take-home messages:
<p>In children with obstructive sleep apnea, areas of the brain involved with thinking and problem-solving appear to be smaller than in children who sleep normally.</p>
A 13-year-old previously healthy girl with a maternal family history of antiphospholipid syndrome presented with headache, blurry vision, and bilateral papilledema that had been confirmed with MRI and that was concerning for venous sinus thrombosis.
In the pre-vaccine era, virtually every child developed measles. The U.S. birth rate in the immediate pre-vaccine era was more than 4 million per year, so on average, more than 10,000 new cases of measles occurred every day.
<p>As the day wears on and doctors get tired, they're about 25% more likely than early in their shifts to prescribe antibiotics to patients who don't need them.</p>
In this Q&A, Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, discusses interventions to address the health care disparities that exist along the care continuum for certain patient populations who are at-risk for HIV infection.
It is estimated that about 20% of children and adolescents meet criteria for a mental health disorder, and a high percentage of these youths are impaired by disruptive behavior problems.
A man who presented to the emergency department with altered sensorium tested positive for phencyclidine (PCP) and marijuana.
Following a clinical trial testing its safety and efficacy, the FDA has approved a new oral treatment for patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis.
By Andrew M. Seaman
<p><span>The cost of supporting people with autism spectrum disorders throughout their lives could be as high as $2.4 million per person, according to a new estimate.</span></p>
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Training at high speed or low speed may not make a difference to stroke victims learning to regain motor control, a new study suggests.Stroke patients "improve accuracy of reaching after four days training whether they are trained to move fast or slow," said John Rothwell, a physiologist who studies motor control at the UCL Institute of Neurology in London.