
For this month’s Pediatrics Top Paper, Jordan N. Watson, MD, writes about a study that identified and described workarounds that families have developed to optimize medical device use for children with medical complexity.
<p>Rock-climbing teens suffer about as many injuries as young ice hockey or soccer players, most often straining or spraining their hands and fingers and developing tendonitis.</p>
<p>Sildenafil's combination of beneficial and deleterious effects results in no net benefit for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), according to results from the RELAX trial.</p>
Consultant360 has put together an overview of this month’s important nutrition news, as well as commentaries from top nutritional experts.
Clostridioides difficile infection can present much like an IBD flare. Getting to the right diagnosis is critical in controlling this condition, which was the topic of a session presented by Jessica Allegretti, MD, at AIBD virtual regional meeting on September 12.
Individuals whose mothers had depression while pregnant may have a higher risk of having depression at age 18 years, according to the results of a recent prospective cohort study. Postnatal depression was also found to be a risk factor for offspring depression at age 18 years, but only among mothers with lower levels of education.
Linda is a 55-year-old woman who is concerned about staying healthy as she gets older. She has read that increasing her omega-3 intake, particularly by adding fish to her diet, is the best source. She comes to you today to ask if you have any other recommendations.
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Less need for bowel preparation is unlikely to boost uptake of screening CT colonography if it means a lower sensitivity, a new online survey from the UK shows.
<p><span>Individuals with ADHD appear to have smaller total brain and gray matter volumes than individuals without ADHD, and unaffected siblings in ADHD families appear to have intermediate volumes.</span></p>
Researchers evaluated the effects of stress eating on women's metabolisms and weight gain.
<p>Replacing standard packaging with single-serve packaging may help some overweight people to consume less food.</p>
Mark is a 35-year-old man who is concerned about his risk of developing diabetes. When asked about his diet, he tells you that although he tries to eat at least one piece of fruit a day, he often does not have any vegetables.
As a result of healthcare reform, physicians who care for older adults are tasked with educating themselves and aiding their patients.
<p>Not all childhood asthma phenotypes respond alike to inhaled anti-inflammatories, suggesting a need for individualized treatment.</p>
<p>Despite a worldwide prevalence of 100 million cases in 2010, scabies is "neglected" both in terms of coordinated control programs and research, researchers say.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Neil Baum, MDNeil Baum, MD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Urology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA, and author of Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, and Economically, Jones Bartlett Publishers. Patients with a computer and access to social media can now easily and effortlessly comment on your practice and your services. Most comments about physicians are positive. However, a negative one may be posted by a disgruntled patient. So how do you manage your online reputation?