
In this slideshow, click through the case reports to brush up on cases involving malnourishment, including vitamin D deficiency and rickets.
A Parent Asks: My teenaged daughter wants to look tanned for her prom. Is a tanning bed a safe alternative to the sun?
<p>Musical training can help disadvantaged children strengthen their reading and language skills, according to research presented at the American Psychological Association convention.</p>
<p>Eating two large, fiber-rich meals a day as part of a calorie-restricted diet - rather than six smaller meals spread throughout the day - helps people with type 2 diabetes feel less hungry and less depressed, according to a secondary analysis of a crossover trial comparing both meal schedules.</p>
<p><span>Motivational interviewing delivered by providers and registered dietitians reduces BMI in obese children, according to a new study.</span></p>
Pediatric Blog
Searching for the poetry of life is not just another checkbox—after documenting vital signs and recording the review of systems—to be completed after each patient visit.
<p><span>Individuals with ADHD appear to have smaller total brain and gray matter volumes than individuals without ADHD, and unaffected siblings in ADHD families appear to have intermediate volumes.</span></p>
New research highlighted the link between body mass index, body fat percentage, and mortality among middle-age men and women.
There is a noticeable rise in the prevalence of diverticulosis, especially in the Western hemisphere and in countries that have adopted a more Westernized lifestyle. I, myself, have noticed a rise in the number of hospital patients I see with either a history of diverticulosis or with an active diverticular flare.
If you are like most people, you probably don’t even notice if a candidate smiles spontaneously. During interviews, most of us are so consumed with the candidate’s skills, and finding out if they can do the job, that we often over look important aspects that in many cases may be more important.The funny thing is that you can teach people most any skill, but you can’t teach them to smile. And for people in the service industry, smiling is probably the most important skill of all.
<p>Not all childhood asthma phenotypes respond alike to inhaled anti-inflammatories, suggesting a need for individualized treatment.</p>
Multiple sclerosis has been described for centuries, though physicians at the time did not have a name for the condition. In what year was multiple sclerosis officially recognized in the United States?
The purpose of this integrative review was to explore the state of EA screening instruments developed between 2004 and 2011.
The old adage, “Not all that wheezes is asthma,” attributed to physician Chevalier Jackson (1865-1958), has never been more relevant than today, given reports that at least 30% of physicians’ asthma diagnoses are incorrect.
<p>Children with comorbidities may have higher rates of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by nonvaccine serotypes after receiving 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.</p>
By Rob Goodier(Reuters Health) - Studies have linked the use of social media to depression, but addiction to social media, rather than use alone, may explain the connection, new research suggests.
Neil Baum, MDNeil Baum, MD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Urology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA, and author of Marketing Your Clinical Practice: Ethically, Effectively, and Economically, Jones Bartlett Publishers. Patients with a computer and access to social media can now easily and effortlessly comment on your practice and your services. Most comments about physicians are positive. However, a negative one may be posted by a disgruntled patient. So how do you manage your online reputation?
A new study investigated rates of vaccination against influenza in patients following surgery, and whether vaccination was associated with harmful side effects in these patients.