
As older persons are living longer, expectations about their health and quality of life are increasing.
Lisa Jones, MA, RDN, LDN, reviews some of the diets included in U.S. News and World Report’s best diet rankings for 2020, including the Flexitarian diet, Nordic diet, Ornish diet, and more.
In the pre-vaccine era, virtually every child developed measles. The U.S. birth rate in the immediate pre-vaccine era was more than 4 million per year, so on average, more than 10,000 new cases of measles occurred every day.
In this slideshow, click through the case reports to brush up on cases involving malnourishment, including vitamin D deficiency and rickets.
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Training at high speed or low speed may not make a difference to stroke victims learning to regain motor control, a new study suggests.Stroke patients "improve accuracy of reaching after four days training whether they are trained to move fast or slow," said John Rothwell, a physiologist who studies motor control at the UCL Institute of Neurology in London.
A Parent Asks: My teenaged daughter wants to look tanned for her prom. Is a tanning bed a safe alternative to the sun?
<p>Eating two large, fiber-rich meals a day as part of a calorie-restricted diet - rather than six smaller meals spread throughout the day - helps people with type 2 diabetes feel less hungry and less depressed, according to a secondary analysis of a crossover trial comparing both meal schedules.</p>
Pediatric Blog
<p><span>Individuals with ADHD appear to have smaller total brain and gray matter volumes than individuals without ADHD, and unaffected siblings in ADHD families appear to have intermediate volumes.</span></p>
A new study investigated the potential of dairy fat to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
Results of a recent study detail the association between prednisone use and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis, and how the risk is affected by methotrexate use.
Researchers analyzed a multi-prong approach for suppressing the viral loads of simians infected with HIV after antiretroviral therapy was discontinued. This approach may pave the way for an HIV-1 cure in humans.
A new study explores how a lack of sleep may influence the hormones that control hunger and alter eating patterns.
<p>Not all childhood asthma phenotypes respond alike to inhaled anti-inflammatories, suggesting a need for individualized treatment.</p>
If you are like most people, you probably don’t even notice if a candidate smiles spontaneously. During interviews, most of us are so consumed with the candidate’s skills, and finding out if they can do the job, that we often over look important aspects that in many cases may be more important.The funny thing is that you can teach people most any skill, but you can’t teach them to smile. And for people in the service industry, smiling is probably the most important skill of all.
Reach Out and Read is a national program whose mission is preparing the United States’ youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with health care providers to prescribe books and encourage families to read together.
Primary care physicians need to continue promoting good nutrition and better eating habits at every patient visit. Consultant360 recently highlighted a few new studies reinforcing this mission.
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Acting out is common among children with cerebral palsy, but two programs can teach parents how to reduce their child's behavioral problems, a new study has found.
A randomized, controlled study from China might be able to teach us something about infant nutrition in the US: iron isn’t just to prevent anemia. It’s essential for motor development, too. And breastfed babies, especially, might not be getting enough.
Bright light therapy alongside treatment-as-usual for adolescent inpatients with depression did not demonstrate superiority over placebo red light therapy, according to recent double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized parallel-group trial results published in JAMA Psychiatry.