
By Lisa Rapaport(Reuters Health) - The rate of adverse events associated with cough and cold medications in children is low, a new study confirms.
The causes of foot drop or lumps around the knee can sometimes be challenging to diagnose in the primary care or internal medicine setting. This article aims to describe one cause of both conditions.
According to researchers of a recent study, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with fatty fish could improve airway inflammation in children with asthma. How would your patients do with this type of diet?
Eating more whole fruits—particularly apples, blueberries, and grapes—was significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research from the Harvard School of Public Health.
Researchers studied the effects of avenanthramide, a compound commonly found in oats, on cardiovascular risk in a new study.
Previous research has suggested alterations in infant gut microbiota, caused by early introduction to solid foods, could be associated with increased risk of childhood obesity and oxidative stress.
<p>Musical training can help disadvantaged children strengthen their reading and language skills, according to research presented at the American Psychological Association convention.</p>
<p><span>Motivational interviewing delivered by providers and registered dietitians reduces BMI in obese children, according to a new study.</span></p>
A Parent Asks: My teenaged daughter wants to look tanned for her prom. Is a tanning bed a safe alternative to the sun?
<p>Eating two large, fiber-rich meals a day as part of a calorie-restricted diet - rather than six smaller meals spread throughout the day - helps people with type 2 diabetes feel less hungry and less depressed, according to a secondary analysis of a crossover trial comparing both meal schedules.</p>
There is a noticeable rise in the prevalence of diverticulosis, especially in the Western hemisphere and in countries that have adopted a more Westernized lifestyle. I, myself, have noticed a rise in the number of hospital patients I see with either a history of diverticulosis or with an active diverticular flare.
Pediatric Blog
Searching for the poetry of life is not just another checkbox—after documenting vital signs and recording the review of systems—to be completed after each patient visit.
The old adage, “Not all that wheezes is asthma,” attributed to physician Chevalier Jackson (1865-1958), has never been more relevant than today, given reports that at least 30% of physicians’ asthma diagnoses are incorrect.
The purpose of this integrative review was to explore the state of EA screening instruments developed between 2004 and 2011.
New research highlighted the link between body mass index, body fat percentage, and mortality among middle-age men and women.
Researchers determined the predictive value of urine point-of-care tenofovir antibody test and compared the results against self-reported PrEP use and TFV-diphosphate levels in dried blood spots. Their research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2023 in Seattle, WA.
Multiple sclerosis has been described for centuries, though physicians at the time did not have a name for the condition. In what year was multiple sclerosis officially recognized in the United States?