
<p>An experimental cholesterol-lowering drug from Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals roughly halved the number of heart attacks and strokes in a clinical trial, researchers reported on Sunday.</p>
Healthcare professionals should consider why people do not take their diabetes medications and what happens when they discontinue the drugs.
<p>Older men who spend several hours walking each day were less likely to have a stroke than their peers who rarely walked, in a recent study. And walking pace didn't seem to matter.</p>
Dr Michels shared important findings and implications from her new study on whether metabolic syndrome is associated with ovarian cancer risk.
<p>Elevated serum levels of fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) in the first and second trimester are associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes, researchers report.</p>
<p>Text messaging is a quick and effective way to get recreational athletes to report injuries, according to a new Australian study.</p>
Intermittent fasting (IF), also known as alternate day fasting, has been touted as a weight loss method by celebrities and the media. Proponents of IF claim that adherence and flexibility are greater, compared with traditional calorie restricted diets.
Courses and conferences during May 2011.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs put the fetus at risk for rare but serious kidney complications.
In this 2-part guest commentary, you will learn several tactics and skills that will make your next presentation go better than your last.
<p>The benefits of&nbsp;<em>cardioselective&nbsp;</em>beta-blocker therapy outweigh the associated risks in patients with nonsevere asthma after myocardial infarction (MI) or for the long-term treatment of heart failure.&nbsp;We have recently observed both medical residents and attending physicians prescribing noncardioselective beta-blockers to patients with asthma. &nbsp;Consequently, we believe this summary will be a timely reminder to healthcare professionals to be careful to administer cardioselective beta-blockers for appropriate indications in asthma patients and clearly avoid noncardioselective agents.</p>
Following a review of available evidence, WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has issued a perspective on the use of various screening methods for the prevention of colorectal cancer.
A new study investigated the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on patients with major depressive disorder.
Delirium is a common and serious problem that affects as many as 70% of older persons admitted to critical care units.
The American College of Physicians presents subspecialty updates highlighting publications from the preceding year in the Annals of Internal Medicine that impact the practice of medicine. These are invaluable resources for all primary care practitioners, and in essence, are a quick hematology/oncology and infectious disease consultation.