
Multiple sclerosis has been described for centuries, though physicians at the time did not have a name for the condition. In what year was multiple sclerosis officially recognized in the United States?
Searching for the poetry of life is not just another checkbox—after documenting vital signs and recording the review of systems—to be completed after each patient visit.
Bright light therapy alongside treatment-as-usual for adolescent inpatients with depression did not demonstrate superiority over placebo red light therapy, according to recent double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized parallel-group trial results published in JAMA Psychiatry.
A new study explores how a lack of sleep may influence the hormones that control hunger and alter eating patterns.
Experimental treatment shows promise in reducing flare-ups among youths with asthma.
The causes of foot drop or lumps around the knee can sometimes be challenging to diagnose in the primary care or internal medicine setting. This article aims to describe one cause of both conditions.
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<p>In the 21st century, this safety rule is as important as the older "don't talk to strangers" and "look both ways before crossing the street." If you remember nothing else about Internet safety, remember this.</p>
A 13-year-old previously healthy girl with a maternal family history of antiphospholipid syndrome presented with headache, blurry vision, and bilateral papilledema that had been confirmed with MRI and that was concerning for venous sinus thrombosis.
The disparity between morbidity and mortality rates among black children and white children who are diagnosed with asthma is substantial. In this Q&A, Bridgette Jones, MD, MSc, answers our questions about her study on how chronic stressors may be a factor in asthma control among African American children.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Consultant360 or HMP Global, their employees, and affiliates. Any content provided by our bloggers or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, association, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything.   AUTHOR: Neil Baum, MD Clinical Associate Professor of Urology, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, LA
A new study investigated the connection between venous thromboembolism risk and heart failure in hospitalized patients.
<p><span>Changes in the cervicovaginal metabolome may help predict which women are most at risk for preterm birth, new research suggests.</span></p>
In this podcast, James Matera, DO, speaks about the importance and benefits of urgent-start peritoneal dialysis (PD) in the management of patients with chronic kidney disease, the tools needed for a successful urgent-start PD program, and the pitfalls of urgent-start PD. 
A randomized, controlled study from China might be able to teach us something about infant nutrition in the US: iron isn’t just to prevent anemia. It’s essential for motor development, too. And breastfed babies, especially, might not be getting enough.
In a recent study, researchers aimed to determine whether transvaginal ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging had better performance in diagnosing the recurrence of deep endometriosis.
Do I have to treat my daughter’s fever when she is acting fine? What fever reducer should I use, acetaminophen or ibuprofen? And can I use them together and/or alternate them?