
By Anne HardingNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Adding steroid injections to exercise therapy for knee osteoarthritis (OA) does not provide additional benefits, according to a new randomized clinical trial.
<p><span>Sniffer dogs, pat-downs, and other drug screening measures await concertgoers during this summer music festival season in the wake of 2013 concert deaths linked to the club drug Molly.</span></p>
Research presented at APHA 2018 investigated the role of health care providers in barricading PrEP use in high-risk populations, including black and Hispanic MSM.
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This article discusses the goals of substance use disorder intervention, including building a relationship with patients, identifying the substance being used, and employing patient-centered methods to help patients achieve better health and, potentially, sobriety.
By Will Boggs MDNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse rates increase with fat intake and decrease with vegetable intake, according to a U.S. multicenter study.
Researchers test the theory that vitamin D supplementation eases depression—and their findings contradict previous studies.
<p><span>Individuals with ADHD appear to have smaller total brain and gray matter volumes than individuals without ADHD, and unaffected siblings in ADHD families appear to have intermediate volumes.</span></p>
Eating more whole fruits—particularly apples, blueberries, and grapes—was significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research from the Harvard School of Public Health.
A Parent Asks: My teenaged daughter wants to look tanned for her prom. Is a tanning bed a safe alternative to the sun?
<p>Not all childhood asthma phenotypes respond alike to inhaled anti-inflammatories, suggesting a need for individualized treatment.</p>
<p>Eating two large, fiber-rich meals a day as part of a calorie-restricted diet - rather than six smaller meals spread throughout the day - helps people with type 2 diabetes feel less hungry and less depressed, according to a secondary analysis of a crossover trial comparing both meal schedules.</p>
There are still many unanswered questions regarding the most impactful way to treat diabetes. One of the most exciting of which surrounds the influence of glucagon and the alpha cell.
Pediatric Blog
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) adherence continues to be one of the main challenges for the elimination of HIV transmission. Researchers tested the use of an automated directly observed therapy intervention to both measure and improve PrEP adherence among an at-risk population.
This article provides an overview of osteoporosis in the male population, reviewing its classification, etiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment.
In the pre-vaccine era, virtually every child developed measles. The U.S. birth rate in the immediate pre-vaccine era was more than 4 million per year, so on average, more than 10,000 new cases of measles occurred every day.
If you are like most people, you probably don’t even notice if a candidate smiles spontaneously. During interviews, most of us are so consumed with the candidate’s skills, and finding out if they can do the job, that we often over look important aspects that in many cases may be more important.The funny thing is that you can teach people most any skill, but you can’t teach them to smile. And for people in the service industry, smiling is probably the most important skill of all.