
Yellow, thickened nail plates; complete or partial loss of fingernails; asymptomatic greenish black discoloration—what do you suspect is the underlying cause in these cases?
Keynote speaker Charles L. Raison, MD, shared his expertise on immune-mediated inflammatory disease and the microbial world with the health care professionals from across the autoimmune disease spectrum who gathered at the 4th annual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit (IAS).
Individuals whose mothers had depression while pregnant may have a higher risk of having depression at age 18 years, according to the results of a recent prospective cohort study. Postnatal depression was also found to be a risk factor for offspring depression at age 18 years, but only among mothers with lower levels of education.
<p><span>A review of the evidence suggests that energy drinks may be a looming public health threat, especially for kids and young adults.</span></p>
The authors of a new study aimed to investigate CVD risk in women with history of weight cycling, and whether this risk could be associated with menopausal status or pregnancy history. Preliminary findings were presented at the AHA’s EPI Lifestyle 2019 Scientific Sessions.
In this video, Aric Prather, PhD, discusses insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and the importance of sleep for health and wellbeing, which are topics he presented at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2021 Virtual Series on May 13. 
New research from the World Health Organization examined the risks associated with consumption of red and processed meats.
In this podcast, Lisa Jones, MA, RDN, LDN, FAND, interviews Julie Feldman, MPH, RDN, about how advances in technology are improving the accessibility and effectiveness of trauma-informed nutrition counseling and ethical considerations in leveraging technology for nutrition counseling for clients with a history of trauma. This is episode two of a four-part series on trauma-informed nutrition counseling.
In a recent study, researchers aimed to determine whether transvaginal ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging had better performance in diagnosing the recurrence of deep endometriosis.
The definition comprises 3 criteria: treatment failure history, characterization of active/symptomatic disease, and clinical perception.
Recent research examined the average amount of fiber American adults consume, and how they compare to recommended amounts.
By Lorraine L. JaneczkoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Smokers with multiple sclerosis (MS) may have faster disease progression compared with those who quit, new research shows.
<P>As parents prepare to leave hospitals and physicians' offices with their children, clinicians explain how medications should be administered. Studies have shown that, despite these explanations, medication errors are common in children treated at home.</P>
Spinal Fears, Seeing Red, Black Lights, and Medication Listmania
<p><img src="/sites/default/files/images/Screen%20shot%202012-08-01%20at%2010.48.00%20AM.png" width="90" height="90" style="float: left; margin: 5px;"><br>Higher rates of pertussis were found in children born in 1998 who received the acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), the injection which replaced whole-cell pertussis vaccines (DTwP) in the 1990s, suggesting that the change in vaccine may be related to the current pertussis epidemic.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>