
<P>As parents prepare to leave hospitals and physicians' offices with their children, clinicians explain how medications should be administered. Studies have shown that, despite these explanations, medication errors are common in children treated at home.</P>
Spinal Fears, Seeing Red, Black Lights, and Medication Listmania
<p><img src="/sites/default/files/images/Screen%20shot%202012-08-01%20at%2010.48.00%20AM.png" width="90" height="90" style="float: left; margin: 5px;"><br>Higher rates of pertussis were found in children born in 1998 who received the acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP), the injection which replaced whole-cell pertussis vaccines (DTwP) in the 1990s, suggesting that the change in vaccine may be related to the current pertussis epidemic.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
In this podcast episode, Lisa Jones, MA, RDN, LDN, FAND, interviews Rachel Stahl Salzman, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES, and Livleen Gill, MBA, RDN, LDN, FAND, on ways artificial intelligence can be used to improve diabetes care and education, including challenges in the use of AI and resources to stay up to date on new and up-and-coming diabetes technology.
A 14-year-old African American boy presented during the winter months with a painless, nonpruritic, periumbilical rash that had been present for approximately 1 month.
Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, contributing to one out of five deaths every year.
Researchers revisit data from the pivotal ARISTOTLE trial of 2011, uncovering new significant findings involving the control of hypertension in patients with atrial fibrillation.
<p>Children with an autism spectrum disorder were more likely to have mothers who lived close to fields treated with certain pesticides during pregnancy.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><span>A new study documents the effect of &nbsp;waning immunity on a population level.</span></p>
<p>Older men who spend several hours walking each day were less likely to have a stroke than their peers who rarely walked, in a recent study. And walking pace didn't seem to matter.</p>
<p>An experimental cholesterol-lowering drug from Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals roughly halved the number of heart attacks and strokes in a clinical trial, researchers reported on Sunday.</p>
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on medication for it are at lower risk of injury, especially brain injury.
Researchers may finally have evidence to explain why men have a higher prevalence of heart disease than premenopausal women.
Dr Michels shared important findings and implications from her new study on whether metabolic syndrome is associated with ovarian cancer risk.
<P><IMG style="MARGIN: 5px; FLOAT: left" src="/sites/default/files/transfer/1206CFP_ECKamat_BioPic.jpg" width=90 height=90> Deepak M. Kamat, MD, PhD, professor of pediatrics and longtime&nbsp;<EM>Consultant For Pediatricians</EM>&nbsp;Editorial Board member, was recognized by Wayne State University with the 2012 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. The faculty members who receive this award have made outstanding contributions in their field of education and demonstrate exceptional knowledge, unwavering enthusiasm, and an uncanny ability to motivate students.&nbsp;</P>
Courses and conferences during May 2011.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs put the fetus at risk for rare but serious kidney complications.
There are many therapies for treating chronic pain ranging from medications to invasive techniques, including injections and surgery. Often overlooked and underused are the various nonpharmacologic therapies, such as psychotherapy, physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and acupuncture.
Following a review of available evidence, WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has issued a perspective on the use of various screening methods for the prevention of colorectal cancer.