
Food trends come and go. One year, kale is the latest food in the culinary spotlight, being added to smoothies, salads and sold as chips. The next, avocados are America’s sweetheart. While both of these super foods are still in style and highly sought after, a few other ingredients and trends are making their way to your local grocery. Here’s a review of the top 5 latest food trends to look out for.
The USPSTF has issued a draft recommendation statement on the use of behavioral counseling for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults without hypertension, dyslipidemia, or diabetes.
A review sought to investigate associations between HIV-infection and antiretroviral use and the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension in persons with HIV.
Researchers determined the predictive value of urine point-of-care tenofovir antibody test and compared the results against self-reported PrEP use and TFV-diphosphate levels in dried blood spots. Their research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2023 in Seattle, WA.
<p>Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is associated with a higher risk of fracture compared with adjustable gastric banding (AGB).</p>
<p><span>The newly developed Pediatric All-Cause Harm Measurement Tool improved detection of harms in pediatric inpatients in a recent pilot study.</span></p>
<p>In a newly revised document, child and adolescent psychiatrists apply new research about autism spectrum disorder to recommendations for pediatricians and other clinicians.</p>
<p>Young adults with moderate to severe acne reported consuming foods with a higher glycemic index and more sugar and dairy than those with little acne, in new research.</p>
School children who reported regularly eating a healthy breakfast scored higher on standardized tests than those reporting having less-healthy breakfasts or not regularly having breakfast at all.
Frailty syndrome is characterized by reduced physiologic reserve affecting multiple organ systems.
On March 8, the FDA approved the injectable weight loss medication, semaglutide, for reducing the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular death in adults with heart disease and obesity or overweight.
A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, asthma is one of the most common reasons why children are brought to a physician. In this article, we outline a treatment strategy for the acute asthma flare. We also discuss the most recent advances in pediatric drug therapy and provide up-to-date recommendations for the long-term management of asthma.
Researchers have developed an interactive model that simulates systemic brain chemistry imbalances in patients with schizophrenia, in the hopes of fast-tracking research and treatment solutions and increasing understanding of the disease.
In this commentary, John W. Harrington, MD, writes about the struggles faced by some young adults with autism when finding employment and staying employed, managing work-related stress, and misinterpreting social interactions.
<p>U.S. premature births linked to air pollution cost more than $4 billion a year in medical care and lost economic opportunity, a new analysis estimates.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;Young adults with healthy blood pressure go on to have better thinking and memory skills in midlife than their peers with higher blood pressure, according to a new analysis.</p>
<p>Pain and other symptoms of chronic sinus problems might cause sufferers to miss work or school but depression is their biggest source of lost productivity.</p>
In part 2 of this video, Charles Conway, MD, covers possible side effects of the use of nitrous oxide for the treatment of treatment-resistant major depression , and next steps for continued research.  
<p><span>People who order human breast milk online for their babies may end up receiving shipments contaminated with cow's milk, according to a new study.</span></p>