
A multidomain intervention, including mental and physical training, could decrease the risk of cognitive decline in at-risk elderly patients, according to a recent study.
Recent research examined the connection between the consumption of highly processed carbohydrates and the risk of developing prostate cancer.
<p>Delivering small amounts of colostrum to the posterior oropharynx improves immune markers and reduces sepsis rates in extremely premature infants.</p>
Dr. W Timothy Garvey explained the physiology behind obesity and how physicians can help their patients lose weight for good.
By Andrew M. SeamanSpending too much time in front of a television, computer or other devices with screens may signal problems in a child's family and personal wellbeing, according to a new study.Based on data for more than 3600 children in eight European countries, researchers found that family functioning and emotional wellbeing were especially linked to changes in the amount of time kids spent in front of screens.
In a widely reported new CDC study, 1 in 68 children were identified with autism spectrum disorder in 2010, up from 1 in 88 in 2008. A careful look at the data, however, suggests a circumspect approach.
A recent analysis aimed to update the US Preventive Services Task Force review on dyslipidemia screening in young adults aged 21 to 39.
<p><span>Genetic research has identified de novo mutations in synaptic transmission genes adding to those already associated with epileptic encephalopathies.</span></p>
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), more than half of childhood cancers are leukemias and cancers of the brain and CNS.
Emerging data has suggested that canagliflozin provides more benefits to patients with type 2 diabetes vs sitagliptin. In a recent study, researchers compared the effects of both treatments on glycemic control, weight loss, and other related factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Researchers investigate the role that immunosuppressive drugs play in increasing the risk of melanoma for patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
<p>Women who walk with flat feet are 50% more likely than those with normal or high arches to have low back pain, a new study suggests.</p>
New research investigated the effects of bisphenol S, a substitute thought to be safer than bisphenol A.
Children exposed to tobacco smoke at home are up to 3 times more likely to have ADHD as unexposed kids, according to a new study.
<p>The drugmaker has agreed to an FDA request to study Vyvanse in preschool children as concern rises over the diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.</p>