
<p>If more women breastfed their babies for at least 4 months after birth, the health care cost savings could be significant, not to mention the health benefits for mothers and babies.</p>
In this podcast, Jonathan Aviv, MD, talks about the current gold standards for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease, where proton-pump inhibitor therapy fits into the treatment regimen, and nonpharmacologic treatment options.
Researchers explored the connection between the presence of learning disorders and the later development of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease.
Trauma in childhood is associated with changes in brain structure that appear to increase the risk of depression relapse in adults with major depressive disorder, according to a study in The Lancet Psychiatry.
In this video, Margo Minissian, PhD, ACNP, speaks about cholesterol management guidelines, including managing patients with statin myalgia and patients at risk for polypharmacy, and strategies for LDL lowering therapies. She also spoke about this topic at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2021 virtual series.
By Lisa Rapaport
Results of a recent study call into question the relationship between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular mortality in older adults.
There are numerous similarities between polio and COVID-19. Fear and anxiety is gripping the entire world. Public health measures have been implemented, social distancing has been put into effect, and the use of face masks is ubiquitous.
Many physicians teach medical students in their office practices.  They share teaching pearls in exam rooms or between patients. They show students important interviewing and examination techniques; they model professionalism.  It’s not easy for physician teachers to do these things today, particularly given the pressures on clinicians to see more patients in shorter periods of time- not to mention keeping up with documentation requirements and administrative tasks.  One, efficient way to teach is by asking a good question.
A 14-year-old boy presented with a 2-day history of left cheek pain and drooping of the left side of his face.
Researchers used genetic scores to calculate the causal effect of LDL and HDL cholesterol on the risk of heart disease.
The first participant of the Phase 1 clinical trial has received the investigational vaccine for COVID-19. US researchers will be analyzing the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.
Keynote speaker Charles L. Raison, MD, shared his expertise on immune-mediated inflammatory disease and the microbial world with the health care professionals from across the autoimmune disease spectrum who gathered at the 4th annual Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit (IAS).
A research team has established a set of empirical biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of psychosis.
In this commentary, M. Chiara Manzini, PhD, provides an overview of her research on gender bias in autism and why being aware of such bias is important for neurologists.
Yellow, thickened nail plates; complete or partial loss of fingernails; asymptomatic greenish black discoloration—what do you suspect is the underlying cause in these cases?
<p><span>A review of the evidence suggests that energy drinks may be a looming public health threat, especially for kids and young adults.</span></p>
Researcher’s have a new insight into how the TB pathogen evades the immune system after the largest study of tuberculosis susceptibility.
New research from the World Health Organization examined the risks associated with consumption of red and processed meats.
In this video, Aric Prather, PhD, discusses insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and the importance of sleep for health and wellbeing, which are topics he presented at our Practical Updates in Primary Care 2021 Virtual Series on May 13.