
Intravenous zanamivir could be a good option for the treatment of influenza in oseltamivir-resistant patients and in those unable to digest medication, according to a phase 3 trial.
Diagnosing uterine fibroids should be based on an extensive physical examination and detailed clinical history. Current guidelines recommend confirming the diagnosis via ultrasonography scanning, and MRI can help determine the vascularization of the fibromas. Do you prefer using ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose uterine fibroids?
<p>Marijuana smokers' behavior is more important than the potency of their pot or how much of the psychoactive ingredient THC they take in for predicting who will become dependent, according to a small new study.</p>
Investigators recently reviewed 2 new models for dementia care designed to reduce health care costs and improve quality of life for patients with dementia.
By Kathryn Doyle
<p><span>Changes in the cervicovaginal metabolome may help predict which women are most at risk for preterm birth, new research suggests.</span></p>
In this podcast, James Matera, DO, speaks about the importance and benefits of urgent-start peritoneal dialysis (PD) in the management of patients with chronic kidney disease, the tools needed for a successful urgent-start PD program, and the pitfalls of urgent-start PD. 
There are still many unanswered questions regarding the most impactful way to treat diabetes. One of the most exciting of which surrounds the influence of glucagon and the alpha cell.
<p>Head Start preschoolers in Michigan who were underweight or overweight at the start of the program entered kindergarten at a healthier weight than similar kids in the community.</p>
<p><span>Lower physical activity was associated with a higher disease burden in children with multiple sclerosis, a new study shows.</span></p>
In this video, researcher and neuropsychiatrist Reza Hosseini Ghomi, MD, MSE, shares details about a study that suggests automatic language processing may be able to play a role in detecting and tracking depression.
By Will Boggs MD(Reuters Health) - People with type 2 diabetes who sit all day have a riskier lipid profile than those who move around or exercise periodically throughout the day, according to researchers in Australia.
A new briefing paper calls the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis the “biggest threat to global health you’ve never heard of.”
In this podcast, Dominick J. Angiolillo, MD, PhD, provides insight into a new analysis of the TWILIGHT Trial that he and his colleagues performed among high-risk patients with diabetes.
How many minutes should be added to a daily walk or vigorous daily activity to lower the risk of obstructive sleep apnea? Researchers investigated.
By Rob GoodierNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Few stroke patients are readmitted for preventable reasons within 30 days after discharge from a hospital, according to a new study.
<div class="column"><p><span>Medical </span><span>education is critically important to the evolution of medicine as a whole. The physician’s education is ongoing throughout medical school and career, and buried within the sheer volume of physiologic and medical knowledge is truly an art—that which balances science and humanity, policy and morality,&nbsp;</span>and reminds physicians that healing is just as important as treating. The art of medicine is often assumed to be something you learn along the way, rather than seen as itself an intangible force that stemmed from the minds and practice of those who came before MRIs, retrovirus vaccines, and stem cell research.&nbsp;</p></div>