
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) 2013 Annual Meeting: March 14-17, 2013; Los Angeles, CA
Hypothyroidism is most commonly treated with thyroid-replacement medications such as levothyroxine or liothyronine.
Recent research examined trends in prescription of an oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation at high risk of stroke.
David A. Schwartz, MD, presented his approach to optimizing therapy for patients with IBD to induce remission and achieve mucosal healing.
Hello, my name is Arun Sanyal, and I'm a professor of medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University.
There is a wide availability of pharmacologic agents for maintaining bowel regularity.
This article introduces the concept of diabetes distress and discusses methods to identity and treat the condition.
In this podcast, Robert P. Guigliano, MD, SM, discusses the findings from a secondary analysis from the IMPROVE-IT study on the association of serial high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T with subsequent cardiovascular events in patients stabilized after acute coronary syndrome, including if it is worthwhile to measure troponin and how often.
A trio of new studies explored the effects of chemicals found in green vegetables on heart health and the risk of diabetes and obesity.
In this multicenter, phase 3 randomized-controlled trial, researchers evaluated the efficacy and safety of SHR8028, a water-free cyclosporine solution, 0.1%, compared with vehicle in patients with dry eye disease.
<p><img src="/sites/default/files/mri_0.png" alt="mri scan" title="mri scan" width="90" height="90" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; float: left;" />A significantly high number of lumbar spine MRI scans ordered by both family physicians and specialists were deemed inappropriate or of “uncertain value” after analysis by an expert panel, a result they reported as “unsurprising”.</p>
A new study explored how urinary leukotriene E4 levels can identify aspirin intolerance in asthma patients.
Certain types of nutrient supplementation used in conjunction with standard treatment may benefit patients in the early stages of schizophrenia, suggests a systematic review published online in Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
Narcotic use and addiction have become one of the major health concerns of the 21st century in the United States.
In this podcast, Daniel Fierer, MD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, discusses treating and managing HIV-HCV coinfection in men who have sex with men.
A new analysis highlights the hepatitis C-related death rates per state vs the United States as a whole, and aimed to better document deaths on a subnational level.