
In a new study presented at CROI 2023, researchers examined how depression and anxiety in individuals with HIV impacts the risk of incident acute myocardial infarction in this patient population.
Your patient is a 46-year-old man who has struggled in the past with sustained weight loss. He asks if there are any supplements that he could be taking that would make his efforts more effective.
By Rob Goodier NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Researchers have identified bacterial species in the cervix and vagina that may be linked to the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. "It is very exciting data and hopefully will lead us on a new path to identifying women at risk for preterm birth but also finding new cures to prevent prematurity," Dr. Michal Elovitz of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia told Reuters Health by email.
Two recent trials examined the effects of salt and fat concentrations in various foods and how they effect food consumption and satiety in healthy adults.
January traditionally is the time of promise and renewal, when the turn of the calendar page inspires hope for the new year. It’s a time of reflection on the changes brought by the previous 12 months, and of recommitment to shine while navigating the changes that are sure to come in 2016.
I am deeply concerned regarding the frequent misuse by the medical field of the words “cause” and “causal.” As succinctly as possible: cause and effect means that if A, then B. It does not mean, if A then maybe B!
<p>More than half of the apparent increase in childhood autism cases in Denmark between 1980 and 2011 may be due to changes in how those cases are reported, according to a new study.</p>
Miguel Regueiro, MD, reviewed how COVID-19 has affected the practice of gastroenterology and the role of telemedicine in negotiating the pandemic at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2020 virtual regional meeting on July 25.
Investigators recently reviewed 2 new models for dementia care designed to reduce health care costs and improve quality of life for patients with dementia.
By Will Boggs MDNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse rates increase with fat intake and decrease with vegetable intake, according to a U.S. multicenter study.
Researchers test the theory that vitamin D supplementation eases depression—and their findings contradict previous studies.
In this podcast, Dominick J. Angiolillo, MD, PhD, provides insight into a new analysis of the TWILIGHT Trial that he and his colleagues performed among high-risk patients with diabetes.
How many minutes should be added to a daily walk or vigorous daily activity to lower the risk of obstructive sleep apnea? Researchers investigated.
<p><span>Despite a worldwide prevalence of 100 million cases in 2010, scabies <span>control programs and research</span>&nbsp;is "neglected," researchers say.</span></p>