
<p>Individuals with schizophrenia who have visual hallucinations show deviations in cortical sulcation.</p>
In this episode, Deborah Dowd, RDH, MS, speaks about her team’s research on oral health assessments and reassessments for assisted living residents, including the rules and regulations in 12 western states, and the importance of specifying oral self-care performance as part of the activities of daily living (ADL) assessment.
Systsje Anne Bergstra, PhD, from Leiden University Medical Center answers our questions about her study that compared DMARD treatment regimens among patients with rheumatoid arthritis who failed initial methotrexate treatment.
<p><span>The Brodsky scale for evaluating the size of children's tonsils may give the most consistent results compared to the Friedman scale and a new modified 3-grade scale.</span></p>
<p>An updated analysis of a vaccine against potentially-deadly hepatitis E shows that it can provide long-term protection, at least for adults and children age 16 and older.</p>
James is a 38-year-old man who is clinically overweight but otherwise healthy. He is looking to improve his diet and wants to know whether dried fruit is a snack he should add to his weekly menu. How would you advise your patient?
By Rob Goodier NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Researchers have identified bacterial species in the cervix and vagina that may be linked to the risk of spontaneous preterm birth. "It is very exciting data and hopefully will lead us on a new path to identifying women at risk for preterm birth but also finding new cures to prevent prematurity," Dr. Michal Elovitz of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia told Reuters Health by email.
A recent study adds weight to the growing argument that antianxiety and hypnotic drugs increase the risk of death in long-term users.
<p>More than half of the apparent increase in childhood autism cases in Denmark between 1980 and 2011 may be due to changes in how those cases are reported, according to a new study.</p>
American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 65th Annual Meeting: March 16-23, 2013; San Diego, CA
History shows that most of humankind has been cared for by ordinary, local clinicians who are not in the spotlight.
By Will Boggs MDNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse rates increase with fat intake and decrease with vegetable intake, according to a U.S. multicenter study.
Researchers test the theory that vitamin D supplementation eases depression—and their findings contradict previous studies.
Researchers examined the efficacy and safety of lower doses of an insulin-sensitizing drug in adults with prior stroke or transient ischemic attacks who have insulin resistance.
Because the effects of modest alcohol consumption on cardiovascular structure and function is unclear, researchers of a study presented at ACC.19 analyzed the relationship.
<p>Family medicine has become a global movement as a medical specialty. From small beginnings over a half century ago, it has now spread from its Western roots to all continents. The origins of family medicine lie in a long history of general practice in which the only doctor for much of the world was the generalist.</p>
<p>Oxytocin is showing promise as a potential treatment for people with anorexia nervosa, according to research by British and Korean scientists.</p>