
I am deeply concerned regarding the frequent misuse by the medical field of the words “cause” and “causal.” As succinctly as possible: cause and effect means that if A, then B. It does not mean, if A then maybe B!
<p>Programs teaching "mindfulness" and "positive psychology" both helped mothers of children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities to reduce their stress, anxiety and depression.<span style="line-height: 1.538em;">&nbsp;</span></p>
The American Cancer Society has released an update to its guidelines for human papillomavirus vaccination, based on recommendations released in 2019 by the ACIP.
<p>The ability to videochat with family and friends might help relieve stress among some hospitalized kids, according to a new study.</p>
​​​​​In this podcast, Andrew Halayko, PhD, ATSF, summarizes hot topics to be discussed at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2022 annual conference, including how COVID-19 has influenced the program agenda and highly anticipated keynote, clinical, and research sessions.
According to Herbert Fred, MD, “to learn medicine, all you need is a patient, a medical library, and someone who knows more medicine than you do.”
In a new study, researchers examined the physical activity levels vs sedentary time in older adults, then assessed the cardiovascular biomarkers in men vs women.
<p>Individuals with schizophrenia who have visual hallucinations show deviations in cortical sulcation.</p>
In this episode, Deborah Dowd, RDH, MS, speaks about her team’s research on oral health assessments and reassessments for assisted living residents, including the rules and regulations in 12 western states, and the importance of specifying oral self-care performance as part of the activities of daily living (ADL) assessment.
James is a 38-year-old man who is clinically overweight but otherwise healthy. He is looking to improve his diet and wants to know whether dried fruit is a snack he should add to his weekly menu. How would you advise your patient?
<p>An updated analysis of a vaccine against potentially-deadly hepatitis E shows that it can provide long-term protection, at least for adults and children age 16 and older.</p>
<p><span>The Brodsky scale for evaluating the size of children's tonsils may give the most consistent results compared to the Friedman scale and a new modified 3-grade scale.</span></p>
A recent study adds weight to the growing argument that antianxiety and hypnotic drugs increase the risk of death in long-term users.
This article will focus on the benefits and applications of acupressure in family primary care settings.
The results of a recent study indicate that vision loss is associated with increased risk of hallucinations in older adults in the United States.
<p>More than half of the apparent increase in childhood autism cases in Denmark between 1980 and 2011 may be due to changes in how those cases are reported, according to a new study.</p>