
To better understand various aspects of atopic dermatitis and eczema, researchers conducted a review of the literature and identified 5 main topics of interest.
<p><span>Developmental delays are common among school-aged children with single-suture craniosynostosis, according to results from a case-control study.</span></p>
In a recent clinical trial, researchers determined that mothers who took vitamin D supplements during pregnancy reduced the risk of atopic eczema in the baby’s first year.
Rebecca Mashaw: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Podcasts360, your go‑to resource for medical news and clinical updates. I'm your moderator, Rebecca Mashaw.
<p>Individuals with ASD are more than 4 times as likely as other individuals to experience GI symptoms, according to a meta-analysis.</p>
Tattoos have long been discouraged by physicians due to the risks of various diseases transmittable through poorly sanitized tattoo methods and dyes. However, is there a role for a tattoo being a permanent means of alerting health professionals to potentially life-threatening diseases?
A spiral series of self-sustaining cycles of excitation underlies the puzzling condition known geographic tongue, physicists suggest.
<p>Programs teaching "mindfulness" and "positive psychology" both helped mothers of children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities to reduce their stress, anxiety and depression.<span style="line-height: 1.538em;">&nbsp;</span></p>
The American Cancer Society has released an update to its guidelines for human papillomavirus vaccination, based on recommendations released in 2019 by the ACIP.
Researchers conducted a review of medical literature examining the link between beta amyloid plaque reduction and caffeine consumption.
​​​​​In this podcast, Andrew Halayko, PhD, ATSF, summarizes hot topics to be discussed at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2022 annual conference, including how COVID-19 has influenced the program agenda and highly anticipated keynote, clinical, and research sessions.
<p>The ability to videochat with family and friends might help relieve stress among some hospitalized kids, according to a new study.</p>
New research finds that saccharin could be useful as a lead compound in targeting aggressive cancers.
<p>An updated analysis of a vaccine against potentially-deadly hepatitis E shows that it can provide long-term protection, at least for adults and children age 16 and older.</p>