
To better understand various aspects of atopic dermatitis and eczema, researchers conducted a review of the literature and identified 5 main topics of interest.
The AGS has developed a number of extremely helpful resources for clinicians to easily and conveniently employ the criteria in their daily practice.
<p><span>Developmental delays are common among school-aged children with single-suture craniosynostosis, according to results from a case-control study.</span></p>
Two recent trials examined the effects of salt and fat concentrations in various foods and how they effect food consumption and satiety in healthy adults.
January traditionally is the time of promise and renewal, when the turn of the calendar page inspires hope for the new year. It’s a time of reflection on the changes brought by the previous 12 months, and of recommitment to shine while navigating the changes that are sure to come in 2016.
Rebecca Mashaw: Hello, everyone, and welcome to Podcasts360, your go‑to resource for medical news and clinical updates. I'm your moderator, Rebecca Mashaw.
Miguel Regueiro, MD, reviewed how COVID-19 has affected the practice of gastroenterology and the role of telemedicine in negotiating the pandemic at the Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2020 virtual regional meeting on July 25.
New research finds that saccharin could be useful as a lead compound in targeting aggressive cancers.
In a new study presented at CROI 2023, researchers examined how depression and anxiety in individuals with HIV impacts the risk of incident acute myocardial infarction in this patient population.
<p>Individuals with ASD are more than 4 times as likely as other individuals to experience GI symptoms, according to a meta-analysis.</p>
Tattoos have long been discouraged by physicians due to the risks of various diseases transmittable through poorly sanitized tattoo methods and dyes. However, is there a role for a tattoo being a permanent means of alerting health professionals to potentially life-threatening diseases?
Consultant360 spoke with Keith Horvath, PhD, about his study, which indicated that technology-assisted HIV testing interventions could serve as a key strategy in reaching national and global targets for HIV status awareness.
A spiral series of self-sustaining cycles of excitation underlies the puzzling condition known geographic tongue, physicists suggest.
A roundup of COVID-19 news, including a study of the safety of ACE inhibitors and ARBs, guidance from AMA for returning retired physicians, and potential ocular symptoms of infection.