Case Report Templates

Updated February 2024.

Consultant publishes several different types of case reports that are unique to our journal.

See below for more information on each case report article type, and click on the links to download a template of the article type that interests you! 

For more information on our Review articles, download our Review article template or read our Author Guidelines page.

TIP: We highly recommend that authors follow each template format before submitting to Consultant.

Photoclinic Photoclinic articles are designed to be easy-to-digest, peer-reviewed case reports for the busy clinician. Figures are required for Photoclinic articles, and because we want your photos to “do the talking”, we ask that Photoclinic articles stay within 1200 to 1500 words. 

Case in PointCase in Point submissions are peer-reviewed case reports that do not have a clinical image. Unlike shorter Photoclinic submissions, authors are asked to provide a robust analysis of the case and form a narrative around the episode of care. We ask that Case in Point articles not exceed 2000 words (excluding title page, abstract, and references).

Case Series - A Case Series is an observational report in which two or more cases describe a similar problem or treatment approach. We ask that you include a brief narrative abstract that describes how the case series offers new perspectives or new evidence related to a disease or treatment approach. We ask that case series remain under 3000 words (excluding title page, abstract, and references).

What's Your Diagnosis?A What’s Your Diagnosis? manuscript is a peer-reviewed case report that provides broad context around a patient’s presentation before posing a question specifically focused on how the reader would diagnose the patient. A What’s Your Diagnosis? manuscript is limited to one case and should be no more than 1000-1200 words. Images are NOT a requirement for this article type.

Photo/Radiology Quiz A Photo or Radiology Quiz manuscript is a peer-reviewed case report submitted with an image or radiograph and a question that focuses on any aspect(s) of the submitted figure(s). Radiology Quiz articles require a radiographic image. A quiz article featuring figures that are NOT radiographs should be processed as a Photo Quiz. Photo and Radiology Quizzes should be no more than 1000-1200 words.

Want to submit to Consultant?

All articles must be uploaded through our online submission system at:

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If you already have an author account, you may proceed directly to "Login" in the top header. 

Authors who have lost or forgotten their login credentials should use the "Send Username/Password" link.

Once logged in, click the "Submit New Manuscript" link and follow the instructions.