Dermatologic disorders

Study: Combination Anti-Inflammatory Treatment Effective for HS

According to a recent study, the combination of colchicine and minocycline is effective at controlling hidradenitis suppurative (HS) in patients.

Researchers performed an open, prospective pilot study which included 10 women and 10 men with HS. Patients took 100 mg of minocycline once per day and 0.5 mg of colchicine twice per day for 6 months. Both medications were administered orally. After 6 months, patients began a maintenance regimen of 0.5 mg colchicine twice per day for 3 months.

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Researchers examined patients before the regimen initiation and every 3 months for a total of 9 months in the follow-up. The Physician’s Global Assessment scale, the Hurley scoring system, and the Dermatology Life Quality Index were used to evaluate the efficacy of treatment.

Overall, there was significant improvement in clinical manifestation of HS in patients reflected by the Hurley scoring system and Dermatology Life Quality Index scores. In addition, the Physician’s Global Assessment scale showed improvement or complete remission of HS. All patients showed signs of improvement within the first 3 months and continued to improve over 6 months.

“This study indicates that the combination of the anti-inflammatory actions of colchicine and minocycline is effective in disease control in HS,” the researchers concluded.

—Melissa Weiss


Armyra K, Kouris A, Markantoni V, Katsambas A, and Kontochristopoulus G. Hidradenitis suppurativa treated with tetracycline in combination with colchicine: a prospective series of 20 patients [published online January 4, 2017]. Pharmacology and Therapeutics. doi:10.1111/ijd.13428.