
PsA Disease Activity Often Persists, Despite Treatment

Almost two-thirds patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) have persistent disease despite regular rheumatology care, according to the results of a recent study.

With the expansion of therapeutic possibilities for PsA, it will become increasingly important to identify residual disease and when to adjust treatment, the researchers noted. They conducted a cross-sectional study in which disease activity and treatment decisions were scored prospectively in 142 consecutive PsA patients who visited an outpatients clinic for routine follow-up. Disease activity parameters were scored by patient and rheumatologist.

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Overall, two-thirds of the patients (90/142) had remaining disease activity (determined by joint disease and pain) despite treatment, and 46% of these patients had moderate to high disease activity, according to the clinical Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis (cDAPSA).

Among those with residual disease activity, 74% had been treated with conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug only or with a first TNF-inhibiting biological agent, which suggested opportunities for treatment modification, according to the researchers. However, treatment modification was initiated in only 23% of those with residual disease activity.

“Remaining disease activity is present in almost two-thirds of patients with PsA when scored by the treating rheumatologist, but triggers treatment adjustment in only a minority. Further research to understand why disease activity does not lead to treatment adjustment is required to enable implementation of treatment strategies in clinical practice.”

—Michael Potts


Van Mens LJJ, van de Sande MGH, Fluri IA, et al. Residual disease activity and treatment adjustments in psoriatic arthritis in current clinical practice [published online October 10, 2017]. Arth Res Ther.