Kidney Disease

Hypothyroidism Impairs Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

Hypothyroidism was associated with lower quality of life among patients on hemodialysis, according to the results of a recent study.

Despite being highly prevalent in hemodialysis patients, it is currently unknown whether hypothyroidism affects health-related quality of life or mental health in these patients.

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For their study, researchers examined data from 450 hemodialysis patients from 17 outpatient dialysis facilities who underwent protocolized thyrotropin testing, Short-Form 36 surveys, and Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaires every 6 months.

Overall, the highest baseline thyrotropin tertile was associated with a 5-point lower Short-Form 36 domain score for energy/fatigue and the highest time-dependent tertile was associated with a 5-point lower physical function score.

Higher baseline serum thyrotropin levels were associated with lower role limitations due to physical health, energy/fatigue, and pain scores, equivalent to 5-, 3-, and 5-point lower scores, respectively, for each 1-SD higher thyrotropin.

“In patients on hemodialysis, higher serum thyrotropin levels are associated with impaired health-related quality of life across energy/fatigue, physical function, and pain domains. Studies are needed to determine if thyroid-modulating therapy improves the health-related quality of life of hemodialysis patients with thyroid dysfunction,” the researchers concluded.

—Michael Potts


Rhee CM, Chen Y, You AS, et al. Thyroid status, quality of life, and mental health in patients on hemodialysis [Published online July 2017]. CJASN. doi: 10.2215/​CJN.13211216