
For Hemodialysis Patients, Are Mediterranean, DASH Diets Safe?

Mediterranean and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diets are not associated with cardiovascular (CV) or all-cause mortality in patients on hemodialysis, according to new research.

These findings emerged from the DIET-HD Study, which included 9757 adult patients on hemodialysis. Median follow-up lasted 2.7 years.

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The GA2LEN Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to calculate Mediterranean and DASH diet scores, and the association between diet score tertiles and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality was examined via adjusted Cox regression analyses.

Over the course of follow-up, 2087 deaths occurred, of which 829 were CV-related. For the Mediterranean diet, adjusted hazard ratios were:

  • Middle score tertile: 1.20 for CV mortality and 1.10 for all-cause mortality.
  • Highest score tertile: 1.14 for CV mortality and 1.01 for all-cause mortality.

For the DASH diet, adjusted hazard ratios were:

  • Middle score tertile: 1.01 for CV mortality and 1.13 for all-cause mortality.
  • Highest score tertile: 1.19 for CV mortality and 1.00 for all-cause mortality.

Results indicated that age modified the association between DASH diet score and all-cause mortality. Adjusted hazard ratios were:

  • Patients aged 60 or younger: 1.02 and 0.70 for the middle and highest tertiles, respectively.
  • Patients older than age 60 years: 1.05 and 1.08 for the middle and highest tertiles, respectively.

“Mediterranean and DASH diets did not associate with cardiovascular or total mortality in hemodialysis,” the researchers concluded.

—Christina Vogt


Saglimbene VM, Wong G, Craig JC, et al. The association of Mediterranean and DASH diets with mortality in adults with hemodialysis: the DIET-HD multinational cohort study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;29(6). doi:10.1681/ASN.2018010008